project - Research and innovation

Farmer Clusters for Realising Agrobiodiversity Management across Ecosystems (FRAMEwork)
Farmer Clusters for Realising Agrobiodiversity Management across Ecosystems

Ongoing | 2020 - 2025 Other, United Kingdom
Ongoing | 2020 - 2025 Other, United Kingdom
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The FRAMEwork project represents a novel initiative combining research and innovation to promote a transition to biodiversity sensitive farming (BSF) that will support biodiversity and benefit from the ecosystem services biodiversity provides, while safeguarding against any potential risks. To achieve this, the project seeks to design, test, and implement the FRAMEwork System for BSF, which acknowledges the foundational role of farmers in generating effective biodiversity management strategies by placing Farmer Clusters at its heart. Hence, the project seeks to deliver an ecologically sound, technically robust, and socio-economically desirable solution to BSF in Europe.


The FRAMEwork project represents a novel initiative combining research and innovation to promote a transition to biodiversity sensitive farming (BSF) that will support biodiversity and benefit from the ecosystem services biodiversity provides, while safeguarding against any potential risks. To achieve this, the project seeks to design, test, and implement the FRAMEwork System for BSF, which acknowledges the foundational role of farmers in generating effective biodiversity management strategies by placing Farmer Clusters at its heart. Hence, the project seeks to deliver an ecologically sound, technically robust, and socio-economically desirable solution to BSF in Europe.


FRAMEwork will establish 11 Farmer Clusters across 10 countries. Cluster Facilitator will be appointed to help the cluster to work with other local actors to identify and work towards shared biodiversity goals, and to access specialist knowledge and resources to support biodiversity monitoring and management. Cluster farmers and facilitators will be supported in building a community of practice through the development of an open access online platform, the Citizen Observatory and Information Hub for sharing activities, information, data and resources between farmers, scientists, policy makers, and citizens.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Perth & Kinross and Stirling

€ 7997600

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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15 Practice Abstracts

Pollinating insects such as wild bees, hoverflies, beetles, and countless other insects provide a wide range of services and benefits to society: they are a key component of terrestrial ecosystems and their importance for food security is widely acknowledged.To assess the impact of biodiversity-sensitive land management practices in FRAMEwork’s farmer clusters , pollinator monitoring is conducted using two widely used methods: pan-trapping and bumblebee-butterfly counts along transects. This monitoring has the following advantages: 1) it makes use of standardised, quantifiable collection methods, commonly used in several pollinator monitoring schemes in Europe, and in the recently proposed EU Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (EUPoMS), 2) it has a broad taxonomic coverage of pollinators (e.g., butterflies, wild bees, hoverflies, other insects), 3) it is easy to implement both by citizen scientists and experts (e.g. facilitators).By using the proposed standardised methods, farmer clusters will not only be able to assess the benefits of pollinator-sensitive management actions implemented in their specific context and in the long term, but they will also be able to compare the results of their pollinator-friendly management practices to a reference baseline in the larger countryside and beyond, to contribute to wider-scale monitoring programs that make use of similar methods, and to potentially further engage both farmers and citizen scientists.

Los insectos polinizadores, tales como abejas silvestres, sírfidos, escarabajos y muchos otros insectos, proporcionan una amplia gama de servicios y beneficios a la sociedad: son un componente clave de los ecosistemas terrestres y su importancia para la seguridad alimentaria está ampliamente reconocida.Para evaluar el impacto de las prácticas de manejo sensibles a la biodiversidad en los grupos de agricultores de FRAMEwork, el monitoreo de polinizadores se lleva a cabo utilizando dos métodos ampliamente utilizados: captura con trampas de agua (“pan-traps”) y conteos de abejorros y mariposas a lo largo de transectos. Este monitoreo tiene las siguientes ventajas: 1) hace uso de métodos de recolección estandarizados y cuantificables, comúnmente utilizados en varios programas de monitoreo de polinizadores en Europa, y en el recientemente propuesto Programa de Monitoreo de Polinizadores de la UE (EUPoMS), 2) cubre una amplia gama de polinizadores (p. ej., mariposas, abejas silvestres, sírfidos, otros insectos), 3) es fácil de implementar tanto por parte de científicos ciudadanos como de expertos (p. ej., los facilitadores).Al utilizar los métodos estandarizados propuestos, los grupos de agricultores no solo podrán evaluar los beneficios de las acciones de manejo sensibles a los polinizadores implementadas en su contexto y a largo plazo, sino que también podrán comparar los resultados de estas acciones con una base de referencia, contribuir a programas de monitoreo que hagan uso de métodos similares a mayor escala, y potencialmente involucrar tanto a agricultores como a científicos ciudadanos.

Biodiversity is the key to functioning ecosystems and stable field yields. From this point of view, it is important that farmers who spend a large part of their working time outdoors in nature have a good knowledge of the vegetation in their meadows. But it's not just the vegetation that is of great importance, but also all the creatures that live on and in the grassland. The i-Naturalist app offers very good assistance for identifying flora and fauna in grassland. A farmer cluster meeting was organized at one of the Cluser farms to register and use the app. Each of the farmers received the link to install the app. At the beginning there was a small theoretical introduction to i-Naturalist, such as how to use the app and how we can use it for our cluster. The participants were then asked outside to a flower-filled meadow to practice the application of i-Naturalist on the smartphone. It was demonstrated how to take clear photos of plants, insects, etc., upload them to the app and find the correct identification. For example, the same species was photographed by each participant to see if everyone achieved the same identification in the app. In order to collect the monitoring data for the framework project, a separate group “Species diversity in the Mostviertel grassland” was set up. Every farmer in the cluster was invited to the group. 480 observations have now been uploaded and 274 species have been identified. Additional ideas, such as an orchid atlas, are being pursued to encourage the Farmer Cluster to use i-Naturalist even more.

Biodiversität ist der Schlüssel zufunktionierenden Ökosystemen und stabilen Felderträgen. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt ist es wichtig, dass LandwirtInnen, die einen Großteil ihrer Arbeitszeit draussen mit der Natur verbringen, gut über die Vegetation auf ihren Wiesen Bescheid wissen. Aber nicht nur die Vegetation ist von großer Bedeutung, sondern auch alle Lebewesen, die vom und im Grünland leben. Die i-Naturalist App bietet für die Identifikation von Flora und Fauna im Grünland eine sehr gute Hilfestellung. Für die Anmeldung und Bedienung der App wurde ein Farmer Cluster Meeting auf einem der Cluser Bauernhöfe organisiert. Jeder der Landwirte erhielt den Link für die Installation der App. Zu Beginn gab eine eine kleine theoretische Einführung zu i-Naturalist, wie zum Beispiel, wie man die App bedient und wie wir sie für unser Cluster verwenden können. Anschließend wurden die TeilnehmerInnen nach draußen auf eine Blumenreiche Wiese gebeten um die praktische Anwendung von i-Naturalist am Smartphone zu üben. Es wurde vorgezeigt, wie man scharfe Fotos von Pflanzen, Insekten usw. macht, diese auf die App hochlädt und die richtige Identifikation findet. Beispielsweise wurde dieselbe Art von jedem Teilnehmer fotografiert um zu sehen, ob jeder dieselbe Identifikation in der App erreicht. Um die Monitoring Daten für das Framework Projekt zu sammeln wurde eine eigene Gruppe " Artenvielfalt im Mostviertler Grünland" eingerichtet. Die Landwirte des Clusters wurdes in die Gruppe eingeladen. Mittlerweile wurden 480 Beobachtungen hochgeladen und 274 Arten identifiziert. Es werden noch zusätzliche Ideen, wie etwa ein Orchideen Atlas angestrebt, um das Farmer Cluster noch mehr für i-Naturalist zu gewinnen.

Climate changes and many uses - grassland is exposed to a number of stress factors. Stepped grassland management offers an opportunity to counteract climate change and maintain economic viability. The concept is based on the fact that grassland areas are used at different levels of intensity; a distinction is made between multi-cut meadows with high fertilizer use and meadows with lower management intensity, i.e. fewer cuts. The intensive meadows are often those closest to the farm. The more extensively used meadows are those that are further away from the farm and are subject to natural usage limits, such as waterlogged, shallow or steep areas. The farmers in the Mostviertel Farmer Cluster have also already established graduated grassland management. They mow less often on the steep meadows, which contributes significantly to promoting biodiversity, which can be clearly seen in the colorful flowering plants during vegetation period. The flat areas close to the farm are mown more often and thus contribute to the farm's profitability. Each farm should decide individually on the correct implementation of graduated grassland management, as every farm has different natural conditions. To protect the insects, the farmers in the cluster partly use a double blade mower when mowing instead of a disc or drum mower.

Klimaveränderungen und viele Nutzungen - das Grünland ist einer Reihe von Stressfaktoren ausgesetzt. Die abgestufte Grünlandbewirtschaftung bietet eine Möglichkeit dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken und die Wirtschaftlichkeit zu erhalten. Das Konzept beruht darauf, dass Grünlandflächen unterschiedlich intensiv genutzt werden, es werden dabei vielschnittige Wiesen, mit hohem Düngereinsatz und Wiesen mit geringerer Bewirtschaftungsintensität, also weniger Schnitten, differenziert. Oft sind die Intensivwiesen jene, die dem Hof am nächsten sind. Die eher extensiv genutzten Wiesen sind jene die weiter vom Hof entfernt liegen und natürlichen Nutzungsgrenzen unterliegen, wie beispielsweise staunasse, seichtgründige oder steile Flächen. Auch die Landwirte im Mostviertel Farmer Cluster haben den abgestufte Grünlandbewirtschaftung bereits etabliert. Auf den oftmals steilen Wiesen mähen sie seltener, was maßgeblich zur Förderung der Biodiversität beiträgt, was man im Sommer gut an den farbenfrohen blühenden Pflanzen erkennen kann. Die ebenen, hofnahen Flächen werden hingengen öfter gemäht und tragen so zur Wirtschaftlichkeit des Bauernhofes bei. Die richtige Umsetzung der abgestuften Grünlandbewirtschaftung sollte jeder Betrieb für sich individuell entscheiden, da jeder Hof andere natürliche Gegebenheiten hat. Zum Schutz der Insekten verwenden die Landwirte aus dem Cluster beim Mähen ein Doppelmessermähwerk, anstatt eines Scheiben- oder Trommelmähwerkes.

Areas rich in wildflowers can provide valuable habitats for insects and those which feed on them such as birds. In addition, pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, hoverflies, and wasps use wildflowers as a food source and many flowering plants rely on them (and animals) to pollinate them, including food crops. Wildflowers around crops can also help reduce the numbers of pests as they can harbour natural enemies such as lacewings which eat aphids. They also provided seed food for farmland birds in autumn and winter. Flower rich margins were created in locations that were sunny, with low soil fertility (so they didn’t dominate fertile areas) next to hedges to provide a wider range of habitats for wildlife. The wildflower margins were 0.25 hectares and 4 metres wide in size, and a seed mix for flower rich margins was sown between March and May with a seed rate of 2 kg per hectare. The mix was an even mix of flower species with different flower shapes, scents sand colours with different flowering times. Margins were cut during mid-August to stop grasses dominating to a height of between 10-20 cm tall. 

The wild edible food walk, talk and quiz had several aims: firstly as a social event to allow farmers to get together and have a realaxing afternoon, secondly to get them to think about local weeds in another way and thirdly, to test their identification of common edible weeds. Whist weeds need to be controlled in fields because they compete with the crop for nutrients, light and space, agricultural plant protection products (PPP) may be used to control weeds along the edges fo walkways, paths and unused areas of the farm. If farmers can be shown that not only do natural (wild) plants (weeds) encourage and sustain biodiversity but that also many are edible and taste good, they may be less inclined to spray them off with PPP. They may be persuaded to leave some small areas that would promote semi-natural habitats, and encourage more flowering native plant species, potentially resulting in an increase in biodiversity, including more natural enemies, along with a more diverse landscape. The session demonstrated that although many plants are considered "weeds" within the landscape, not only are many edible but that they also harbour many associated insects that can be beneficial (pollinators, natural enemies) as well as being edible to humans. The edibility was resulted in a barbeque and salad that consisted of foraged plants and fungi and knowlege acquired during the event was demonstrated by a quiz.

The old stands of traditional pome fruit trees in the Luxembourg farmer cluster accumulate dead wood over time, which limits the ventilation within the canopies and the exposure of the fruit to sunlight. Impeded ventilation in the canopy promotes fungal diseases and heavily shaded fruit ripen poorly. Furthermore, pome fruit trees in the Luxembourg farmer cluster are easily colonized by parasitic mistletoes, which can reduce the life expectancy of the trees. These problems have motivated the search for a suitable funding scheme that can cover a part of the costs of pruning fruit trees and removing the mistletoes. Program 073 (promotion of orchards scattered in meadows) was identified and serves as the basis for the preservation of the orchards. In addition to removing mistletoe and pruning fruit trees, the program allows for replacing dead trees. The latter point is important for the preservation of old fruit cultivars, which are an important element in the differentiation from competing suppliers on the cider market. Scions from old and often rare cutivars are grafted onto vigorous rootstocks that will become new high-stem trees (in some regions also referred to as standard trees) within a few years. 

Die alten Bestände von traditionellen Kernobsthochstämmen im Tal der Sauer akkumulieren im Laufe der Zeit abgetragenes Fruchholz, welches die Durchlüftung der Bäume und die Exposition der Früchte zur Sonne einschränkt. Behinderte Durchlüftung im Kronenbereich fördert Pilzkrankeiten und stark beschattete Früchte reifen schlechter aus. Weiterhin werden Kernobstbäume im Sauertal stark von parasistischen Misteln besiedelt, die die Lebenserwartung der Bäume reduzieren können. Diese Probleme haben die Suche nach einem geeigenten Förderschema motiviert, das einen Teil der Kosten für den Obstbaumschnitt und die Entfernung der Misteln decken kann. Das Programm 073 (Förderung von Streuobstwiesen) wurde identifiziert und dient als Basis für die Erhaltung der Streuobstwiesen. Neben der Entfernung der Misteln und dem Obstbaumschnitt erlaubt das Programm die Neupflanzung abgestorbener Bäume. Der letzte Punkt ist wichtig zur Erhaltung der alten Obstsorten, die eine Abgrenzung von Kokurrenzanbietern auf dem Apfelweinmarkt erlauben. Nachgepflanzt werden alte Sorten, die auf starkwüchsigen Unterlagen veredelt sind und damit zu neuen Hochstämmen heranwachsen. 

The disappearance of indicator species from agricultural landscapes is a clear indicator that the ecological state of the agricultural landscape is unfavorable. Traditional practices such as grazing and haymaking in semi-natural habitats have been replaced by intensive feed production, characterized by multiple mowings instead of the previous single mowing. Consequently, the change in management practices has prevented the maturation of seeds for numerous plant species that were once abundant in grasslands, leading to the rarity or complete disappearance of formerly common plant species in agricultural landscapes. One such species that has nearly vanished from agricultural ecosystems is the Globe-flower (Trollius europaeus). Globe-flower thrives in meadows subject to occasional mowing or grazing.Grazing positively impacts soil health by enriching it with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as preserving and sequestering carbon in the soil. Properly managed grazing helps distribute nutrients more evenly across the landscape, making them more accessible to plants and enhancing nutrient cycling efficiency. The use of grazing and minimized mowing reduces soil disturbance, preserves or enhances soil structure, moisture, and carbon content, and ensures the survival of deep-rooted plants that facilitate water absorption into the soil, thus reducing the risk of erosion. In agricultural landscapes and field margins, it is essential to practice minimized mowing to create suitable conditions for various flowering species. Flowering plants play a critical role in supporting the food sources for pollinators, parasitoids, and many predatory species. Their availability in the landscape significantly influences one of the fundamental pillars of integrated pest management: biodiversity conservation in agricultural landscapes.

Põllumajandusliku maastiku indikaatorliikide kadumine annab selge signaali, et põllumajandusliku maastiku ökoloogiline seisund ei ole hea. Traditsiooniline karjatamine ja heina tegemine poollooduslikel kooslustel on asendunud intensiivse sööda tootmisega kus ühe niite asemel kasutatakse 3-4 niidet. Majandamisviiside muutumise tagajärjel ei saa valmida paljude varasemalt rohumaadel arvukalt esindatud taimeliikide seemned ja varasemalt põllumajandusmaastikul tavalised taimeliigid on jäänud haruldaseks või täiesti kadunud. Üheks liigiks, mis on põllumajanduskooslustest praktiliselt kadunud on harilik kullerkupp (Trollius europaeus). Kullerkupu elupaigaks sobivad ühekordse niitmisega niidud või karjatatavad alad.Karjatamine mõjub positiivselt mulla tervisele, rikastades seda lämmastiku, fosfori ja kaaliumiga ning säilitades ja sidudes mulda süsinikku. Õigesti korraldatud karjatamine aitab toitaineid maastikul ka ühtlasemalt jaotada, muutes neid taimedele kättesaadavamaks ja ringlust efektiivsemaks. Karjatamise ja minimeeritud niitmise kasutamisel väheneb mulla häiring, säilib või paraneb mulla struktuur, niiskuse- ja süsinikusisaldus, taimikus säilivad sügava juurekavaga taimed, mis soodustavad vee imendumist pinnasesse ja vähendavad erosiooniohtu.Põllumajandusmaastikul ja põllu servaaladel on oluline praktiseerida minimeeritud niitmist, et luua sobivad tingimused ka erinevatele õitsevatele liikidele. Õitsevad taimed toetavad tolmeldajate, parasitoidide ja paljude röövtoiduliste liikide toidubaasi ja nende kättesaadavus maastikus mõjutab oluliselt ühe integreeritud taimekaitse alustala, elurikkuse, alalhoidu põllumajandusmaastikes.

Agricultural land must be managed in a sustainable way that maintains long-term ecological functioning and quality crop production with minimal environmental impact. At the CSC, long-term experimental platform, we aim to design, implement, and demonstrate a resilient arable cropping system that can meet all of these requirements. We do this by combining best practice options to achieve multiple benefits, using biodiversity (microbes, plants, and invertebrates) within, and surrounding arable fields to support ecosystem functions and increase the efficiency of crop production. Our low input system integrates management practices for improved soil biophysical quality (conservation tillage, organic matter amendments), sustainable crop nutrition (legume BNF, cover cropping, Soil Nutrient Supply) and enhanced biodiversity (targeted weed control, biofortification to minimise crop protection inputs, species rich field margins). The platform was established in 2009 with a 6-course rotation of beans, barley, wheat, oilseed rape and potatoes over 42 ha, using a split field design comparing low-input system with standard commercial practice. We have found a positive effect on a wide range of systems indicators including soil microbiome (rhizobia, mycorrhizae, antagonists), invertebrate communities (earthworms and carabids), insect pollinators (foraging activity and pollination rates), weed seedbank diversity and beneficial species with no significant impact on crop yields for the most crops. Increased resilience (reduced risk of yield loss) can be seen for varieties adapted to low input conditions. Long-term trends in biodiversity and system functions are being monitored to track changes with management and climate.

See the summary in English.

The common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is a key species controlling the abundance of field voles (Microtus arvalis) in agricultural landscapes. nstallation of bird boxes for nesting can be effective in locations where voles are abundant. 
To build the bird boxes, use waterproof plywood (1-1.5cm thick). The internal size of the cavity (25x30x35cm) must ensure sufficient overlap of the canopy over the open front wall, with a 13cm high bar at the bottom to hold substrate and prevents chicks from falling out. Drill several 3-5mm holes in the bottom for drainage. Brown or dark grey colour paint is recommended. Line the nesting site with a thick layer of hay or straw. For hanging on a tree or post, stretch a 3mm wire through two holes drilled in the upper fifth of the back wall. 
Install the bird boxes to a height of at least 10m. Kestrels prefer to nest in solitary trees in the middle of fields and meadows and are less willing to settle on the edges of copses. If the poles are located where there is no risk of disturbing nesting pairs, they can be placed at a height of 1.5-2m. Ideal poles are built out of strong metal T-pipes and sunk deeply to prevent rotation by strong winds. When selecting a site for installation of low-lying posts, care should be taken to ensure that they are in gaps between shrubs, in completely open space or in suitable borders without mature trees. The orientation of the inlet is not important but the outlet must be down the slope and not into the trees.
3-4 boxes per 1 km2 should be installed to reduce vole abundance during peaks. Costs of manufacture, installation and maintenance are low, but it takes usually about 10 years for predator exposure to be high enough to push vole densities down to acceptable level.

Puštík obecný (Falco tinnunculus) je klíčovým druhem regulujícím početnost hraboše polního (Microtus arvalis) v zemědělské krajině. Instalace ptačích budek pro hnízdění může být účinným opatřením na místech, kde se hraboši hojně vyskytují. 

Ke stavbě ptačích budek použijte vodovzdornou překližku (tloušťka 1-1,5 cm). Vnitřní rozměry dutiny (25x30x35 cm) musí zajistit dostatečný přesah stříšky nad otevřenou čelní stěnou, přičemž na dně musí být 13 cm vysoká lišta, která udrží substrát a zabrání vypadnutí mláďat. Do dna vyvrtejte několik 3-5mm otvorů pro odvodnění. Doporučuje se hnědá nebo tmavě šedá barva nátěru. Hnízdiště vyložte silnou vrstvou sena nebo slámy. Pro zavěšení na strom nebo sloupek protáhněte 3mm drát dvěma otvory vyvrtanými v horní pětině zadní stěny. 

Ptačí budky instalujte do výšky nejméně 10 m. Poštolky nejraději hnízdí na solitérních stromech uprostřed polí a luk a méně ochotně se usazují na okrajích lesů. Pokud jsou instalovány na sloupech, kde nehrozí rušení hnízdících párů, mohou být umístěny ve výšce 1,5-2 m. Ideálně jsou ukotveny na silné kovové trubce ve tvaru T a hluboko zapuštěny, aby se zabránilo jejich otáčení silným větrem. Při výběru místa pro instalaci nízko umístěných sloupků je třeba dbát na to, aby byly v mezerách mezi keři, na zcela volném prostranství nebo na vhodných mezích bez vzrostlých stromů. Orientace vletu není důležitá, ale vlet musí být směrem ze svahu dolů a ne do stromů.

Na 1 km2 by měly být instalovány 3-4 budky, aby se snížila početnost hrabošů v době špiček. Náklady na výrobu, instalaci a údržbu jsou nízké, ale obvykle trvá asi 10 let, než je vystavení predátorům dostatečně vysoké, aby se hustota hrabošů snížila na přijatelnou úroveň.

Birds (such as tits) and bats are very useful in the orchard to control certain pests such as codling moths or aphids. However, natural refuges are becoming increasingly difficult to find for these animals, as old buildings are disappearing, as well as old hedges that are more suitable for sheltering them. It is therefore important and useful to be able to help them by installing nesting boxes for birds and lodges for bats (about 10/ha, see models on in the plots, in order to settle the populations durably, and to have an early control in spring. These practices will allow to limit the populations of some pests, and to reduce the use of pesticides. See also:…

Oiseaux (tels les mésanges) et chauve-souris sont des animaux très utiles au verger pour contrôler certains ravageurs comme les tordeuses (carpocapse par exemple) ou les pucerons. La consommation quotidienne, notamment au printemps, est conséquente, et peut avoir un réel impact sur les populations de ravageurs. Les refuges naturels sont néanmoins de plus en plus difficiles à trouver pour ces animaux, car les vieux bâtiments disparaissent, ainsi que les vieilles haies plus propices à les abriter. Il est donc important et utile de pouvoir les aider en installant des nichoirs pour les oiseaux et des gîtes pour les chauve-souris (environ 10/ha, voir modèles sur dans les parcelles, afin d'installer durablement les populations, et d'avoir un contrôle le plus précoce possible au printemps. Ces pratiques vont permettre de limiter les populations de certains ravageurs, et d'alléger le recours aux pesticides. Voir aussi:…

In order to be successful with a biodiversity sensitive farming system, a market niche needs to be identified where the quality and the quantity of the produce that can be obtained do not exclude the crop from market access. 
In case of the Luxembourgish farmer cluster, cider was identified as a product that does not require large and visually perfect fruit that are extremely difficult to obtain without intense agricultural management practices. In contrast, small and bitter fruit from existing old cultivars can be particularly valuable for the flavour of cider. Next, the basis for the production of the fruit, namely the old high stem trees, needed to be secured. For that purpose, an agri-environmental scheme was identified that covers parts of the costs of (1) pruning and (2) the removal of the parasitic mistletoes from the trees. Then, the product needs features that allow a distinction from competitors. Fruits from old cultivars are processed separately, resulting in ciders with specific colour, odour, and taste. Ramborn pays the farmers of the cluster a higher price, if they deliver fruit from cultivars separately. The resulting single cultivar ciders can either be marketed as they are, or, be used for blending. Both methods result into products that stand out when being compared with competing products as evidenced by various awards that the ciders received. The outstanding quality of the products and the biodiversity sensitive system of production allow targeting the upper price segment that in turn allows re-investments into the farming system.

Um mit einem biodiversitätssensitiven Anbausystem erfolgreich zu sein, muss eine Marktnische identifiziert werden, in der die erzielbare Qualität und die Quantität der Produkte nicht vom Marktzugang ausschließen. 
Im Fall des luxemburgischen Bauernclusters wurde Apfelwein als ein Produkt identifiziert, das keine großen und optisch perfekten Früchte erfordert, die ohne intensive Bewirtschaftungspraktiken nur äußerst schwierig herzustellen sind. Kleine und bittere Früchte alter Sorten, die nicht als Tafelobst vermarktbar sind, können besonders wertvoll für den Geschmack von Apfelwein sein. Als nächstes musste die Grundlage für die Obstproduktion, nämlich die alten Hochstammbäume, gesichert werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Agrarumweltmassnahme identifiziert, die einen Teil der Kosten für (1) das Beschneiden und (2) das Entfernen der parasitären Misteln von den Bäumen abdeckt. Dann braucht das Produkt Eigenschaften, die eine Unterscheidung von Wettbewerbern ermöglicht. Früchte alter Sorten werden separat verarbeitet, was zu Apfelweinen mit spezifischer Farbe, Geruch und Geschmack führt. Ramborn zahlt den Landwirten des Clusters einen höheren Preis, wenn sie Obst sortenrein anliefern. Die resultierenden sortenreinen Cider können entweder so wie sie sind vermarktet oder zum Mischen verwendet werden. Beide Methoden führen zu Produkten, die sich im Vergleich zu Konkurrenzprodukten abheben, wie verschiedene Auszeichnungen belegen, die die Apfelweine erhalten haben. Die hervorragende Qualität der Produkte und das biodiversitätssensitive Anbausystem erlauben es, das obere Preissegment zu addressieren, was wiederum Reinvestitionen in das Anabausystem ermöglicht.

In recent years, a loss of biodiversity in Austrian grassland has been recorded. This was caused by the intensification of use, but also by the abandonment of the grassland, which resulted in successive reforestation. This issue can be overcome by sowing species-rich grassland mixtures. The creation of new grassland becomes necessary if the old stock is to be completely cleared out, for example due to high weed infestation or the conversion of the area for another use.
The reverse rotor harrow can be used for reseeding without a plough. Their S-shaped blades work against the direction of travel and the soil is thrown against a grid, depositing weed seeds and small stones in the bottom of the tiller pit. Only the top layer of soil (8 -10 cm) is processed. Before planting, a razor cut must be done to incorporate as little fresh matter as possible, and the soil should be dry to a depth of 10 cm. Then the soil is worked and sown in one operation, the tractor should have 90 to 120 hp for this. 20 kg/ha of the Renatura tall oat meadow seeding mixture are used for sowing (price for 10 kg is €250). Subsequent rolling with a profile roller is important for good ground contact. This prevents the embryonic root from drying out. Sowing is possible during the entire vegetation period, but late frosts must be avoided. After sowing, one or two care cuts should be made. This meadow is suitable for use twice a year.

In den letzten Jahren konnte ein Verlust der Biodiversität im Österreichischen Grünland verzeichnet werden. Diese Entwicklung wurde einerseits durch die Nutzungsintensivierung, aber andererseits auch durch die Aufgabe der Nutzung und in Folge die sukzessive Wiederbewaldung, hervorgerufen. Dem kann durch die Einsaat von Artenreichen Grünlandmischungen entgegengewirkt werden. Die Neuanlage von Grünland wird notwendig, wenn der Altbestand vollständig beseitigt werden soll, beispielsweise durch hohe Verunkrautung oder die Umwandlung der Fläche für eine andere Nutzung.

Für die Neuansaat ohne Pflug kann die Umkehrrotoregge genutzt werden. Ihre S-förmigen Messer arbeiten gegen die Fahrtrichtung und die Erde wird gegen ein Gitter geworfen, somit werden Unkrautsamen und kleinere Steinchen im unteren Bereich der Fräsgrube abgelegt. Es wird nur die oberste Bodenschicht (8 -10 cm) bearbeitet. Vor der Neuanlange muss ein Rasierschnitt erfolgen, um möglichst wenig Frischmasse einzuarbeiten und der Boden sollte bis zu einer Tiefe von 10 cm abgetrocknet sein. Dann wird in einem Arbeitsgang der Boden bearbeitet und eingesät, der Traktor sollte dafür 90 bis 120 PS haben. Bei der Einsaat werden 20 kg / ha der Artenreichen Renatura Glatthaferwiesenmischung verwendet (Preis für 10 kg liegt bei 250 €). Für einen guten Bodenschluss ist das anschließende Walzen, mittels Profilwalze, wichtig. Das verhindert ein Austrocknen der Keimwurzel. Die Ansaat ist während der gesamten Vegetationsperiode möglich, Spätfröste müssen allerdings vermieden werden. Nach der Ansaat sollten ein bis zwei Pflegeschnitte gemacht werden. Diese Wiese eignet sich für eine zweimalige Nutzung pro Jahr.

In the agricultural landscape different elements, including grassy strips, are important feeding, living, shelter and overwintering habitats for invertebrates, birds, and small mammals. The establishment of grassy strips are also a quick and cost-effective measure compared to other methods of landscaping. Although, flowering edges produce rapid effect, they require continuous management and provide rather feeding than living habitats. When establishing grassy strips to diversify large fields, the best results for both feeding and living habitats are obtained by maintaining species-rich permanent grassy strips. In Estonia, where the most species-rich communities are meadows, it is advisable to sow local meadow species to ensure rapidly diverse, permanent, and self-regenerating vegetation cover. The natural recovery of diverse vegetation is a long process, and in areas where natural meadows are scarce or distant, such a recovery may take too long.
When creating grassland strips, attention must also be paid to proper soil preparation and sowing time. In the future, on the other hand, there is less maintenance – you only need to cut once a year, remove the cuttings and it is recommended to vary the cutting time between years, so that the seeds of different species can ripen. Attention must be paid to the fact that chaffing is not suitable for meadows - excessive nitrogen in the soil favours vegetative growth of some species which quickly eats out others.
Grassy strips provide habitat and a food source for both pollinators and predatory arthropods, reduce erosion and agrochemical drift.

Põllumajandusmaastikul pakuvad maastikuelemendid elu-, varje- ja toitumispaiku paljudele lindudele, pisi-imetajatele ja lülijalgsetele, sh tolmeldajatele ja kahjurite looduslikele vaenlastele, vähendavad erosiooni ning toimivad puhvrina agrokemikaalide triivile. 
Rohtsete põlluservade rajamine on teiste maastiku liigendamise võtetega võrreldes suhteliselt kiire ja kuluefektiivne meede. Lühiajaliste õitsevate lilleribade rajamine annab küll kiire efekti, kuid nõuab järjepidevat hooldust ning on eelkõige toidubaasiks tolmeldajatele pakkumata seejuures elupaiku. Suurte põllumassiivide liigendamine püsivate liigirikaste rohuribadega on eelistatud andes parimaid pikaajalisi tulemusi nii elupaikade kui ka toiduressursside pakkumises. Eestis, kus kõige liigirikkamateks kooslusteks on niidud, on soovitav külvata kohalike niidutaimede liike, mis tagavad loodavatel rohuribadel looduslikesse oludesse sobiva mitmekesise, püsiva ja iseuueneva taimkatte. Mitmekesise taimestiku looduslik arenemine võtab aega ja piirkondades, kus niidutaime kasvukohti on vähe või sidusus uue loodava rohumaaribaga kehv, võib selline taastumine võtta liiga kaua aega.
Rohumaaribade loomisel tuleb tähelepanu pöörata mulla omadustele, õigele pinnase ettevalmistamisele ja külviajale. Edaspidi seevastu hooldust juba vähem – tuleb vaid niita üks kord aastas, kindlasti niide eemaldada ning soovitatavalt niitmisaega aastate vahel varieerida, et valmida saaksid erinevate liikide seemned. Tähelepanu tuleb pöörata sellele, et niidualadele hekseldamine ei sobi – liigne mulda viidav lämmastik soosib vegetatiivset kasvu ja lämmastikulembesemaid liike, mis kiirelt teised liigid välja tõrjuvad.

Establishing wildflower areas near crops will provide habitat for beneficial invertebrates to increase crop yields. Pollinators may also be encouraged to visit crop flowers. Increased numbers of natural enemies can reduce crop pests. 
• The wildflower seed mix should contain at least 10 native perennial wildflower species with a diverse range of floral structures, colours, and flowering times to support a diverse range of insects over a long time.
• Prepare the soil in a sunny, dry, and low fertility area. Clear and remove the vegetation during a dry period in July to keep the soil fertility low. Allow remaining seeds to germinate then mechanically weed them to create a stale seedbed.
• Broadcast sow the seed at 1 g/m² on loose soil during a dry period prior to rain in late Aug-Oct then roll the area to fix the seed.
• To ensure a diverse wildflower area cut it to 8-10 cm during dry periods and remove the cuttings to lower soil fertility. Remove harmful weeds such as broad-leaved docks and thistles.
• Year 1: cut in late April to control grasses. Cut up to twice more if annual flowers, grasses, and weeds are stopping perennials from having space to germinate and grow.
• Year 2 and onwards: cut in late April and cut again in Aug/Sept; with each cut leave 15-30% standing to provide insects’ shelter. Consider cutting half the area in June to encourage flowering.

See the summary in English.

Agricultural intensification has had a negative effect on pollinators and caused rapid decline throughout European landscape. Farmers need to be encouraged and provided with practical techniques to restore pollinator-friendly habitats. Organic farming can be introduced as a management system which can increase pollinator biodiversity. Further, following strategies can be recommended as practical management measures to promote flowering plants and thus pollinators: a high proportion of semi-natural habitats; species-rich flowering strips with autochthonous seed mixtures and proper management, i.e., mowing or replanting only in sections, versatile crop rotations with flowering annual plants (e.g., sunflowers, canola) and perennial forage crops (e.g., clovers, lucerne), species-rich cover crop mixtures, high diversity of habitats, small habitat size or long length of habitat boundaries, intercropping and long-lived flowering strips are preferable. To maintain pollinator biodiversity in the long term, it is recommended to re-establish a proportion of young rotation strips every 4-5 years by turning them over (e.g., ploughing and harrowing) in autumn. To encourage pollinators, nesting locations are important. Because most solitary bees nest in the ground, agricultural practices that inhibit or destroy nests, such as extensive tillage, should be avoided. Therefore, no-tillage and reduced tillage can be recommended. Additionally, a maximum distance of 200 m between habitats with flowering plants should be kept.

Die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft hat sich negativ auf die Bestäuber ausgewirkt und zu einem raschen Rückgang in der gesamten europäischen Landschaft geführt. Die Landwirte müssen ermutigt und mit praktischen Techniken ausgestattet werden, um bestäuberfreundliche Lebensräume wiederherzustellen. Der ökologische Landbau kann als Bewirtschaftungssystem eingeführt werden, das die Artenvielfalt von Bestäubern erhöhen kann. Als praktische Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen zur Förderung von Blütenpflanzen und damit von Bestäubern können folgende Strategien empfohlen werden: ein hoher Anteil an naturnahen Lebensräumen; artenreiche Blühstreifen mit autochthonen Saatgutmischungen und eine sachgerechte Bewirtschaftung, d.h., abschnittsweise Mahd oder Nachsaat, vielseitige Fruchtfolgen mit blühenden einjährigen Pflanzen (z.B. Sonnenblumen, Raps) und mehrjährigen Futterpflanzen (z.B. Klee, Luzerne), artenreiche Zwischenfruchtmischungen, hohe Vielfalt an Lebensräumen, geringe Habitatgröße oder lange Habitatgrenzen, Gemengeanbau und langlebige Blühstreifen sind empfehlenswert. Um die biologische Vielfalt der Bestäuber langfristig zu erhalten, wird empfohlen, alle 4-5 Jahre einen Teil der jungen Rotationsstreifen durch Umbruch (z. B. Pflügen und Eggen) im Herbst neu anzulegen. Um Bestäuber zu fördern, sind Nistplätze wichtig. Da die meisten Solitärbienen im Boden nisten, sollten landwirtschaftliche Praktiken, die Nester behindern oder zerstören, wie z. B. eine intensive Bodenbearbeitung, vermieden werden. Daher können Direktsaat und reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung empfohlen werden. Außerdem sollte ein maximaler Abstand von 200 m zwischen Lebensräumen mit blühenden Pflanzen eingehalten werden.

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