News | 11 Apr 2023

Spanish Operational Groups on animal health

Feuga (Galician Enterprise-University Foundation) recently organised an event to showcase Spanish Operational Groups working on animal health. For example, TIRAC and MICOALGA-FEED worked on the reduction of antibiotics through, respectively, the use of algae in rabbit feed to avoid digestion problems, and the use of fungi and microalgae supplements in poultry feed which have antimicrobial effects.

In March 2023, Feuga (Galician Enterprise-University Foundation) organised an event focused on innovation in the agri-food sector, specifically “Initiatives for animal and human well-being through the development of alternative ingredients”.

The reduction of the use of antimicrobials to prevent resistance, both in humans and animals, has become a priority strategy in the EU (see the Farm to Fork strategy). At Feuga’s events, two Operational Groups working on this topic presented their final results:

TIRAC, focused on the reduction of antibiotics used in the case of digestive problems in fattening rabbits. They developed different nutritional strategies such as the balance in the level of soluble and insoluble fibre as well as the incorporation of algae and algae extracts for better intestine health. For further reading: project website, page on EIP-AGRI database.

MICOALGA-FEED, concentrated on feed for poultry farming supplemented with fungi and microalgae. The project tested, demonstrated and evaluated the antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects of these feed supplements. For further reading: project website, page on EIP-AGRI database.

A third Operational Group was also presented: Proteinleg which focused more on human well-being and diet, developing high quality food proteins through sustainable production and processing of legumes. For further reading: project website, page on EIP-AGRI database.

More information on the event including factsheets on the projects here.

Find many more Operational Groups focusing on animal health on the EIP-AGRI database.

You may also be interested that the EIP-AGRI Support Facility is organising an EU CAP Network workshop 'Animal welfare and innovation' in May 2023. The call for participants is closed but you will be able to view presentations, a report and other materials online after the event.

Spanish Operational Groups on animal health