News | 25 Oct 2022

National Rural Networks and green architecture

In September, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and Dutch Network Support Unit organised their International Conference: It’s time to fly. This included the 23rd National Rural Networks meeting and an ENRD workshop on Implementing the CAP’s Green Architecture.

A group of people standing in a field as part of the National Rural Networks and green architecture

The new EU CAP Network and National Rural Network (NRN) roles in green architecture were among the topics discussed by NRN representatives. Presentations from the NRN gathering are available online, featuring, inter alia, advice from Ireland about how to Communicate Green Themes to Farmers and Common Network Statistics’ - Indicators for the CAP National Networks.

The ENRD workshop on green architecture helped managing authorities and their CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) implementation partners to exchange experiences on maximising environmental and climate ambitions by coordinating the CAP’s support system. A series of presentations from the workshop are also now online for sharing and include Member State information about Swedish eco-schemes, Danish organic area payments and nitrogen management in the Netherlands.