News | 12 Oct 2023

Innovation & Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter on animal health and welfare

Inspirational ideas, workshop report, videos, events, funding and other resources in the thematic newsletter on animal welfare.

A thematic edition of the EU CAP Network Innovation & Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI newsletter was released on 4 October focussing specifically on the topic of animal health and welfare. It showcases a number of activities from the EU CAP Network such as the workshop report ‘Animal welfare and innovation’ and inspirational ideas from Germany and Finland, videos, funding opportunities and other resources.

Animal welfare - Farmer with pigs

In the newsletter, you will find the following articles:

Inspirational ideas

  • A national network stimulating knowledge exchange on animal welfare in Germany
  • Organic experimental farm in Finland testing methods for improved animal welfare

EU and animal welfare

  • EU Platform on Animal Welfare to organise actions
  • European Partnership for Animal Health and Welfare (PAHW)

EIP-AGRI Support Facility activities

  • Activities from the EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation, knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ on animal welfare
  • EU CAP Network workshop ‘Animal Welfare and Innovation’: Report and factsheet
  • Video: EIP-AGRI challenge: Animal welfare and innovation

EU CAP Network activities

  • Animal welfare matters for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • A welfare monitoring platform to support decision-making in pig & dairy cattle
  • Flock health and nutrition management: Best practices for sheep farmers
  • EU pig industry health management & animal welfare practices
  • Animal welfare in poultry and pig production systems
  • Health benefits of innovative feed for broilers & laying hens
  • More EIP-AGRI projects on animal welfare
  • 'The egg farm of the future'
  • SCAR working group on Animal Health and Welfare and sustainable animal production

Funding opportunities

  • Developing EU advisory networks on sustainable livestock systems
  • Horizon Europe animal health and welfare opportunities
  • Webinar: Agricultural methane - Assessing its significance & seeking solutions

Read this thematic issue in English, French, German.

More on Innovation & Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI and animal health and welfare

The EU CAP Network Support Facility Innovation & Knowledge Exchange | EIP-AGRI has carried out interesting activities and events on animal health and welfare. Take a look, for example, at the workshop ‘Animal Welfare and Innovation’ and the Focus Group on Bee health and sustainable beekeeping.

Read the summary of all related activities on animal health and welfare.