European Commission launches the EU CAP Network
The European Commission officially launched the European CAP Network during an event in Brussels on 6 October. Maciej Golubiewski, the Head of Cabinet of the EU’s Commissioner for Agriculture, attended along with around 320 participants.

The European Commission officially launched the European CAP Network during an event in Brussels on 6 October. Maciej Golubiewski, the Head of Cabinet of the EU’s Commissioner for Agriculture, attended along with around 320 participants, including EU Member State administrations, farmers, national rural networks, NGOs and other CAP stakeholders. All the participants share an interest in and commitment to sustainable agriculture, forestry and rural development across the European Union.
The EU CAP Network merges two current EU-level rural networks (ENRD with Evaluation Helpdesk and EIP-AGRI), with the aim being to establish a more efficient way of working, boosting knowledge-sharing, cooperation and innovation across rural Europe. The EU CAP Network will now build on positive experiences from the past to support all aspects of the implementation of a modernised CAP, which was formally adopted on 2 December 2021. The new CAP 2023-2027, which is due to begin on 1 January 2023, aims to be fairer, greener and more performance-based and will be key to securing the future of agriculture and forestry, as well as achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal.
In a speech marking the official launch of the EU CAP Network, Mr Maciej Golubiewski said:
“The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) together with the Evaluation Helpdesk and EIP-AGRI network have been playing an important role in connecting rural stakeholders, sharing information, knowledge and good practices in the current programming period. With the new CAP, the role of the networking becomes even more important, as it will involve new stakeholders, and cover the whole range of CAP interventions (Pillar I & II), including cross-cutting issues such as innovation or AKIS [Agriculture Knowledge and Information Systems]. I am confident that by building on the experience and knowledge created so far, it [EU CAP network] will grow further, bringing together MS and relevant stakeholders to share their best practices, experience and progress, but also their know how in facing all type of constraints and challenges.”
The speech was followed by the assembling of a wall of nine cubes displaying the new logo. The first three cubes, symbolising the foundation of the network were brought by staff from the ENRD Contact Point, EIP-AGRI Support Facility and the Evaluation Helpdesk. They were followed by stakeholders of the three entities, which built upon the foundations to compose the logo. The final three blocks were placed on the wall by a representative of the newly formed Communication and Logistical Support team, Antonia Gamez Moreno, head of unit D1, responsible for the EU CAP Network, and Mr Golubiewski.
To conclude the session, stakeholders from the ENRD CP, EIP-AGRI SF and Evaluation Helpdesk gave their testimonies on the past years of networking and shared some hopes for the future. The EU CAP Network Launch video was shown at the end of the session.
The official launch of the EU CAP Network and the Rural Inspiration Awards were live streamed and a recording of the event can be watched on the official EU CAP Network YouTube channel.
More information about the launch event is available on the dedicated webpage.