News | 05 Jul 2023
Call for experts for new EU CAP Network Focus Groups now open!
Do you have expertise in regenerative agriculture, crop associations or resilient mountain areas? Apply by 17 September to the call for Focus Group experts.
The call for experts for 3 new EU CAP Network Focus Groups has just been launched!
Deadline extended!
Farmers, foresters, advisers, scientists and others, if you have specific knowledge and experience on one of the topics below, then please apply by 17 September 2023 23:59 hrs CET (Brussels time).
Focus Group 50: Regenerative agriculture for soil health
- Main question: How can regenerative agriculture practices help farmers to restore, protect and improve soil health and productivity?
- Focus Group 51: Crop associations including Milpa and protein crops
- Main question: How to integrate crop associations into existing cropping systems and farm landscapes to increase farm resilience and efficient use of natural resources while reducing the dependency on external inputs?
- Focus Group 52: Competitive and resilient mountain areas
- Main question: Which innovative approaches and innovations linked to agriculture, forestry and bio-economy can foster the competitiveness and the socio-economic and environmental resilience of mountain areas and their communities?
For more detail on the topics, and to apply, click here for the call text. You can find the link to the application form in this call text.
Browse through existing Focus Groups and their reports, factsheets and other results here.