Finnish Network
The National Rural Network Support Unit of Finland supports CAP Strategic Plan implementation and networking.

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Teemu Hauhia
Pirjo Onikki
Communication Expert
Juha-Matti Markkola
Network Coordinator
Tuomas Metsäniemi
Network Coordinator
Tuija Kallio
Network Coordinator
Salla Ruuska
Network Coordinator
Salla Pätilä
Network Coordinator
Ann-Sofi Backgren
Network Coordinator
Fanni Alavuotunki
Communication Expert
Anna Mäkinen
Financial Planning Officer
The Rural Network Support Unit coordinates and develops the activities of the rural network and brings together actors. The unit supports the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plan by:
- promoting cooperation, sharing good practices and supporting innovation activities;
- implementing the national communication of the CAP Strategic Plan;
- organising training sessions and meeting places for rural developers (platforms, forums and events) to promote the exchange of experiences and peer learning.
The Finnish Rural Network is an open network for everybody who is involved and interested in CAP and rural development.
The Rural Network has a steering group with 11 members. The group is chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The Rural Network Support Unit is part of the Finnish Food Authority.
Additional Information
Thematic focus of NN
- Climate and Climate Change
- Digitalisation
- Smart Villages