Young farmers

71 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 01 avr 2019

Investing in a site specific precision sprayer

A young farmer invested in precision farming through the acquisition of a new sprayer; combining cost savings and environmental protection.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Publication - Event Reports |

ENRD Workshop on ‘Attracting Young Farmers and Fostering Generational Renewal in Rural Areas’

This is the main report of the ENRD Workshop on ‘Attracting Young Farmers and Fostering Generational Renewal in Rural…

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 02 jan 2019

A young female farmer investing on mechanised agriculture

Switching from manual labour to mechanised work in order to make the business much more cost effective.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 02 jan 2019

La Tournerie - 11 young agronomists starting up together in agriculture

A group of young agronomists combined RDP support with innovative financial solutions like crowdfunding to develop a self-sufficient farm growing local, quality organic products.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 02 jan 2019

Promoting generational renewal through the Czech National Rural Network

A series of seminars to create opportunities for formal and tacit knowledge transfer between experienced farmers and newcomers to agriculture.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 27 déc 2018

Young farmer start-up in French Guyana

A young female farmer used RDP support to develop a farm business that would provide her with sufficient income in order to become a full time farmer.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Publication - Magazines |

Magazine Rural Connections, édition automne/hiver 2018

Dans ce numéro consacré aux communications, nous vous proposons de découvrir les dernières idées et réflexions des…

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
  • Évaluation
Good Practice - Project | 15 déc 2018

Supporting a young farmer to expand his farm holding

In order to improve the economic performance of his holding, a young farmer received support to increase the cultivated land and to build an irrigated greenhouse for the production of vegetables.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Publication - Briefings |

Soutenir la jeunesse rurale : aperçu des instruments politiques et fonds de l’UE

Ce document passe en revue les principaux outils et politiques disponibles au niveau européen pour soutenir les jeunes…

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 29 sept 2018

Using hydroponics to produce green fodder on the Canary Islands

Two young farmers set up a hydroponic facility to produce high quality green fodder for livestock in the Canary Islands.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC