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Water management
Modernization of irrigation systems of VITA - ZEL & company, Ltd.
Rural Development Programme support was used for installing a water recycling system to further reduce costs of vegetable hydroponic production, and minimising waste water.
Drainage Plus – Promoting controlled drainage
Using LEADER support to promote innovative water management techniques among the farming community in Flanders.
Farmers measure water – Netherlands
This project combined state-of-the-art sensoring techniques and models with a participatory monitoring process with farmers and water authorities to create a common understanding of the main local challenges and possible solutions to enhance water quality. In addition, the process empowered individual farmers to become equal partners with water authorities as they gained knowledge and access to data. Problems with water management differ between regions, but the process of jointly collecting, learning from and acting on data can be applied across regions.
Bioreserve Na Mlakách
Creation of a bioreserve consisting of a small reservoir, a retention basin, and an adjacent strip of vegetation to improve water retention in an intensively farmed area.
Investing on greenhouses and setting up an irrigation system
A young female farmer invested in the construction of greenhouses and an irrigation system to improve her farm’s profitability and mitigate production risks linked to climate change.
Improving the accessibility for visitors to a restored nature reserve
Support from the Swedish Rural Development Programme helped improve accessibility for visitors in a restored municipal nature reserve.
Regadio de Precisão – Precision Irrigation
An EIP-AGRI Operational Group was set up to develop new agronomic tools that will enable farmers to use pivot irrigation more efficiently.
The Water Holding project of Walcheren
Setting up collaborative water system measures and a governance approach to increase self-sufficiency of freshwater availability for agriculture.
Allrounder Moor - Climate Protectors and Noah's Ark of Biodiversity
Organising a series of educational events to raise awareness and interest about the environmental functions of the peatlands in Brandenburg.
Construction of the Bahna retention basin
The construction of two small water basins that minimise the risk of floods and offer a habitat that promotes biodiversity.