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Vocational training & skills acquisition
Caherconnell Archaeology Field School
LEADER funding enabled the purchase of specialist equipment for training students in the use of modern and sophisticated archaeological surveying techniques.
- CAP Implementation

A training programme on work safety for non professional forest users
A series of theoretical and practical training courses on work safety for small private forest owners and forest users.
- CAP Implementation

Setting up a cheese experience centre in Woerden
Setting up an innovative enterprise in a historic building to strengthen the regional and local agricultural economy, while promoting employment and tourism.
- CAP Implementation

Using the technical assistance measure to organise a study tour on organic farming
The regional rural network of Silesia in Poland organised a study tour for its members in Scotland to raise awareness and improve their skills on organic farming.
- CAP Implementation

Boyndie Visitor Centre
EAFRD funding helped expand and develop a social enterprise in rural Scotland. A new training centre is built, a visitor centre expanded and more jobs for adults with special needs created.
- CAP Implementation

Business Development for Women – tailored support for female rural entrepreneurs
Business Development for Women’ provided a business training programme to 60 women, giving them the knowledge and skills necessary to create a business plan for developing their rural business.
- CAP Implementation

Digital Clare – taking advantage of digital opportunities in rural Ireland
Digital Clare used training, mentoring and regular online exchanges to improve digital skills in rural County Clare and create a locally recognised name for digital innovation and networking.
- CAP Implementation

Developing local food sales through knowledge and skills
A Finnish University used EAFRD funding to organise information days, pilot projects and professional tours to enable food processing companies to develop their local sales.
- CAP Implementation

Reviving traditional crafts in Slovakia
Slovak cultural association Microregion Juzne Sitno used EAFRD support to organise courses in ceramic production and wool processing, reviving a local tradition.
- CAP Implementation

Setting up a botanical garden and providing training to young farmers
A small commune in Romania used EAFRD support to restore and promote its local landmark: a botanical garden, and design a training programme on environmental aspects for young farmers.
- CAP Implementation