Good Practice - Project

Boyndie Visitor Centre

EAFRD funding helped expand and develop a social enterprise in rural Scotland. A new training centre is built, a visitor centre expanded and more jobs for adults with special needs created.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Other
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Other

    General information

    RDP Focus Area
    • 6C: Information & communication technologies (ICT)


    Boyndie Trust is a visitor centre and social enterprise in Banff, Scotland. It was set-up in a semi-derelict former school building in 2003. The project provides training and support to more than 50 unemployed adults, most of whom have special needs.They work at the visitor centre which has gardens, ponds, woodland paths, a gift and plant shop and a restaurant specialising in home baking using local produce. EU-funding was used to refit and expand the centre’s training and job opportunities, allowing it to cater for more visitors.


    The project has created 9 new jobs and safeguarded 9. It has trained a total of 60 people.

    The visitor centre has been able to expand its retail offers, boosting revenue and helping increase tourism along the Banffshire coast.

    The local area can benefit from a wide range of individuals within the local area regardless of their skills or wealth, helping to bring the community together.


    Boyndie Trust


    Total budget 195 571 (EUR)
    EAFRD 85 682 (EUR)
    National/Regional 16 234 (EUR)
    Private 93 655 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 435.97 KB)