Vocational training & skills acquisition

22 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Centre for Social Inclusion

Creating opportunities for rural youth

Good Practice - Project

Increasing access to digital public services – ‘Click Public Services’

CAP-funded capacity building project helps bridge the digital divide in rural France.

Good Practice - Project

Empowering young people – micro-project under the LEADER umbrella project “Sozialwierkstat”

A project that demonstrates an innovative way to promote employment for young people through voluntary work and professional development counselling.  

Good Practice - Project

HAPPYTERR – Innovative and Territorial Farmers’ Alliance for the Successful Renewal of Agriculture

A project to enhance the capacity of a social enterprise that supports new entrants in agriculture without any previous experience or linkages to the sector. 

Good Practice - Project

Interregional workshop on gender equality

The French National Rural Network organised a workshop on gender issues for actors involved in delivering rural development policy.

Good Practice - Project

El Hueco Oxma – Rural Innovation

A social enterprise used RDP funding to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in one of the most depopulated regions in Europe. 

Good Practice - Project

The use of renewable energy to improve air quality

A project that promotes the use of renewable energy to improve air quality through training and awareness raising.

Good Practice - Project

The ‘Point Vert’ experience - test areas for beginners in market gardening

Creating a testing area for young entrepreneurs wishing to work in organic market gardening or horticulture, where they can receive training and advice.

Good Practice - Project

Qualification of land users in nature conservation

Ensuring the preservation and restoration of species and habitats in Saxony, by offering free advice and relevant qualifications to land users.

Good Practice - Case Study

Case Study: Start-up courses designed specifically for new entrants

Start-up courses designed specifically for new entrants to farming ensure a strong grounding in both agricultural and business principles in the Flanders region of Belgium.