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sustainable forestry practice
EIP-AGRI Brochure Innovation for European forestry
The EU has almost 182 million hectares of forest and wooded land, covering 43% of its land area. European forests offer…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Forest practices and climate change
All the information from the EIP-AGRI Focus Group 'Forest practices and climate change' at a glance. Portuguese…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Forest practices and climate change: Final report
Climate change poses a major challenge to society in the 21st century. In 2018 we experienced extensive drought…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Forest Practices & Climate Change: Starting paper
European forests are a crucial resource to provide multiple ecosystem services to society. Climate change including…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure on Funding opportunities under Horizon 2020 - Calls 2016
Horizon 2020 is the largest source of public funding for Research and Innovation from the European Commission. It has a…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure on Research & Innovation across EU borders
The European Union (EU) supports or recognises various initiatives which help to reduce the fragmentation and…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI

EIP-AGRI Brochure on Creating diverse forests with multiple benefits
Healthy forests have many functions. They purify the air we breathe and filter the water we drink. Forests give us wood…
- Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI