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Product quality
Setting up an environmentally friendly fruit juice production plant
Setting up a fruit juice processing plant that operates with renewable energy.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Modernisation of a cannery to stimulate the local economy
Modernisation of a cannery with new machinery leading to improved competitiveness and a stronger local short supply chain.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Supporting viticulture on steep slopes and terraces
Granting a premium to support viticulture on steep slopes and terraced vineyards as a high-quality farming practice
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Hallegaard Slaughterhouse
A slaughterhouse was established on the island of Bornholm to offer slaughtering facilities in small husbandry farms or larger herds of sheep or cattle.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Investing in on-farm berry processing and direct sales
On-farm processing can add value to the product and can also make farming a more attractive choice for young farmers - as demonstrated by a berry farm in Finland.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Introducing a new technology for innovative processing of soybean
Support from the rural development programme was used to establish an innovative production of GMO-free soybean oil products of superior quality.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Restoring a historic chateau to create a modern winery
A historic Chateau was restored to its initial state and turned into one of the most modern wine-producing facilities in Slovakia.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Bakery Hrinova – Investments to increase the competitiveness of a bakery business
The Slovakian rural development programme supported a high-quality bakery business in its efforts to increase production capacity and profitability.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Sobrarbe, Autochthonous and Sustainable beef production
A cooperation project to promote the consumption of locally produced beef and create economic and environmental benefits.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

Lebecco s.r.o. – Expanding the production capacity of a bakery company
A bakery company producing high quality traditional bakery products used support from the rural development programme to modernise and expand its production capacity.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC