
142 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Plasma Activated Water for Sustainable Agriculture

An EIP Operational Group worked on upscaling the production of Plasma Activated Water (PAW) and on demonstrating its effectiveness and cost efficiency as a sustainable nitrogen fertiliser.

Good Practice - Project

Ilmastosoturit (Climate Warriors) – Fighting against carbon emissions and climate change

CAP funds help Finnish farmers better understand carbon sequestration best practices.

Good Practice - Project

Ovinnova Operational Group - an innovative business model for transhumance

CAP funds help support long-term sustainability of transhumance shepherding in Spain.

Good Practice - Project

ECOCIRPLAS 2020. – Developing a new process for the management of agricultural plastics

CAP cooperation project pioneers the potential for re-using agricultural plastic waste in Spain.

Good Practice - Project

Development of new products based on sprouted pseudo-cereals, cereals and legumes

CAP funds support improved nutrition of Czech cereal and legume crops

Good Practice - Project

EIP Operational Group - Grass2Algae

CAP funds in Belgium help convert waste grass into superfood algae.

Good Practice - Project

Implementation of direct deliveries to consumers while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group

Direct delivery to consumers implemented while maintaining high-quality products through the Folwark Pomorski Operational Group

Good Practice - Project

Wood Phoenix

Wood Phoenix project reduces wood waste through experimental design and reuse of used wood and wood scraps to create equipment for the local community

Good Practice - Project

“Lamb lift” Innovation to stimulate lamb production

An EIP-AGRI Operational Group established a new quality standard for Swedish lamb in order to increase the competitiveness of the sector.

Good Practice - Project

Business Boost- Collaboration for more regional food

A CAP-funded project aimed to build the capacity of small-scale producers to reach the regional market and shorten the region’s food chain.