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ARIA 2024
ARIA2024: auf der Bühne und hinter den Kulissen
Die Emotionen der Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards – ARIA 2024 gehen weiter mit einer neuen Publikation, exklusiven Backstage-Interviews mit den Gewinnern und ... noch vielem mehr.
- GAP-Implementierung

ARIA 2024 – Projektbroschüre
Stöbern Sie in dieser Broschüre, um mehr über die inspirierenden Projekte zu erfahren, die als Finalisten des Wettbewerbs ausgewählt wurden und um zu sehen, wie die GAP den ländlichen Raum in Europa verändert!
- GAP-Implementierung

ARIA 2024: Treffen Sie die Gewinner!
Entdecken Sie die sechs Gewinner der Agricultural and Rural Inspiration Awards – ARIA2024 – und feiern Sie herausragende, von der GAP finanzierte Projekte, die für die ländlichen Räume Europas wirklich etwas bewirken!
- GAP-Implementierung

Farm Carbon E.I.P.
Sustainable solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from agricultural peat pastures, restoring degraded peatlands and researching the most viable crops for future wetland agriculture.
- GAP-Implementierung

Open farms, rural connections
A challenge-based learning experience on sustainability, quality, innovation and local development to connect institutions, education and farms and stimulate young people to share knowledge.
- GAP-Implementierung

Quinta da Moscadinha
A hotel, restaurant and cider distillery bringing visitors to a Madeiran village and driving the local economy, both in terms of agricultural production and tourism.
- GAP-Implementierung

Boer2B (Farmer2Business)
Helping farmers create a more efficient, sustainable way to sell directly to businesses and consumers and become more resilient compared with delivering to one client.
- GAP-Implementierung

Creation of an educational farm – Pszczelandia
Sharing the secrets of beekeeping and ecology with children and adults while contributing to the development of environmental protection, the local community and its economy.
- GAP-Implementierung

Giving bananas a happy ending, demonstrating how seeing the value in unused fruit not only reduces food waste, but also promotes sustainability and creativity.
- GAP-Implementierung

CTAY youth centres – with young people, for young people
Raising awareness of youth work and projects, developing responsible local young people who can be the future of the region, and seeing them as partners
- GAP-Implementierung