Access to market

14 result(s)
Publikation - Fallstudien |

Kurze Lieferketten schmieden

Gegenstand dieser Methodenstudie ist das schottische Programm „Think Local“, das sich durch ein kooperatives Herangehen…

  • GAP-Implementierung
  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
Publikation - Event Reports |

Generational renewal through rural development

This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD event on the topic. It outlines the challenges faced by young farmers and…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Fallstudien |

Wirtschaft im ländlichen Raum: Breitband-Internet für alle

Diese Vergleichsstudie zum Thema „Breitband-Internet für alle: neue digitale Chancen für den ländlichen Raum“ stützt…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 3 ‘Rural Diversity’

Rural people’s dedication to the on-going development of diversity in Europe’s countryside forms the main focus of this…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 5 ‘Cultivating Competitiveness of the EU Farm, Agri-food and Forest Sectors’

Supporting EU agriculture, forestry and agri-food industries, combining competitiveness and multi-functionality.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 8 'Agricultural Product Quality: a Success Factor for EU Rural Areas'

Quality and organic products are a key part of the Common Agricultural Policy and an important objective of Rural…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 10 'Rural Entrepreneurship'

A closer look at how EU agriculture and rural development policy help promote rural entrepreneurship.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 12 'Local Food and Short Supply Chains'

How Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) are contributing to the promotion of local food production and short supply…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU Rural Review 16 'Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in Rural Development Policy'

Innovation is at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth…

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Magazine |

EU-Magazin Ländlicher Raum Nr. 17 „Familienbetriebene Landwirtschaft“

Die Vereinten Nationen erklärten das Jahr 2014 zum Internationalen Jahr der familienbetriebenen Landwirtschaft…

  • GAP-Implementierung