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Access to market
Kurze Lieferketten schmieden
Gegenstand dieser Methodenstudie ist das schottische Programm „Think Local“, das sich durch ein kooperatives Herangehen…

Generational renewal through rural development
This is the main report of a dedicated ENRD event on the topic. It outlines the challenges faced by young farmers and…

Wirtschaft im ländlichen Raum: Breitband-Internet für alle
Diese Vergleichsstudie zum Thema „Breitband-Internet für alle: neue digitale Chancen für den ländlichen Raum“ stützt…

EU Rural Review 3 ‘Rural Diversity’
Rural people’s dedication to the on-going development of diversity in Europe’s countryside forms the main focus of this…

EU Rural Review 5 ‘Cultivating Competitiveness of the EU Farm, Agri-food and Forest Sectors’
Supporting EU agriculture, forestry and agri-food industries, combining competitiveness and multi-functionality.

EU Rural Review 8 'Agricultural Product Quality: a Success Factor for EU Rural Areas'
Quality and organic products are a key part of the Common Agricultural Policy and an important objective of Rural…

EU Rural Review 10 'Rural Entrepreneurship'
A closer look at how EU agriculture and rural development policy help promote rural entrepreneurship.

EU Rural Review 12 'Local Food and Short Supply Chains'
How Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) are contributing to the promotion of local food production and short supply…

EU Rural Review 16 'Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in Rural Development Policy'
Innovation is at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy, which aims to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth…

EU-Magazin Ländlicher Raum Nr. 17 „Familienbetriebene Landwirtschaft“
Die Vereinten Nationen erklärten das Jahr 2014 zum Internationalen Jahr der familienbetriebenen Landwirtschaft…