Good Practice - Project

Supporting a Small Metalwork Producer

LEADER funding in two subsequent projects helped a small metalware company grow its size and capacity and take advantage of new market opportunities.  
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6A: Diversification & job creation


    The Tóth - Metalware Producer Limited Partnership, is a family-owned small business. In order to to meet the increased demand for its products, the company needed support. Support helped the business to increase its production capacity, to design and develop new products, and to broaden its high quality product range. As a consequence new job opportunities were created in the region.

    In 2009, the company applyied for LEADER Measure 413 in order to replace its Computer Numerical Control (CNC) equipment which was old and of limited capacity. CNC is used in the manufacturing sector to control machine tools with the use of computers. In 2013 the company again benefited from LEADER funding which was used to purchase more machinery for increasing its production capacity. This enhanced capacity enabled the company to become a supplier to a major German coproration. 



    Both investments allowed the company to react on the market demand at the right time. 

    The company increased the number of its staff from 2 to 18 within 6 years. Among the workers are highly experienced professionals as well as semi-skilled workers who are mainly from the neighbouring disadvantaged villages.  

    The company grew its sales and revenue; broadened its product range and market share; and it also entered the international market with sales in Germany and Sweden.



    Tóth - Metal Ware Producer Limited Partnership


    Total budget 156 301 (EUR)
    RDP 101 594 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 361.55 KB)