General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
The Meža Valley is located in northern Slovenia along the border with Austria. A predominantly rural and mountainous area, it has been socially and economically disadvantaged for many years, resulting in a negative impact on the health of population. Specific health indicators, such as the average child fitness index, are below the national average.
A LAG in cooperation with local actors set up a project to create free outdoor recreational infrastructure for different audiences; modernise and improve children playgrounds; and motivate the local population to engage in outdoor physical activity through workshops and lectures.
In four municipalities, 29 locations were established for outdoor recreation and made available to a range of target groups.
Over 45 events, workshops and presentations were targeted at the target groups, including children, parents, grandparents, elderly and people with disabilities.
The equipment is regularly used by more and more users, either those engaged in organised recreation, or those who prefer to exercise alone, free of charge.
A change in attitude is slowly being observed, especially among the elderly population.

LAG Mežiške doline
Total budget 243 339.80 (EUR)
EAFRD 117 544.82 (EUR)
National/Regional 29 386.21 (EUR)
Private 96 408.77 (EUR)
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