Good Practice - Project

The "Podoexplora" Podiatry Centre

Establishing a podiatry clinic providing local health care in the rural area while creating a job for a young professional.
  • CAP Implementation
  • Programming period: 2014-2022
    Elche de la Sierra, Spain
    Programming period: 2014-2022
    Elche de la Sierra, Spain

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD
    Beneficiary type
    • Small-Micro Enterprise


    To fill an existing gap in the health care provision in the rural area of the Sierra del Segura in Spain, a self-employed health professional submitted a funding proposal in line with the aims of the LEADER - Local Development Strategy 2014-2020. Project “Podoexplora” was subsequently launched in January 2023, with the main aim of providing a podiatric service that offered treatment for any type of pathology related to foot health.

    The project involved fitting out a suitable space in the town of Elche de la Sierra. Funding also contributed to the provision of the necessary material and equipment for the young graduate to open the podiatry clinic and begin the delivery of health services.


    • The project created a new rural business, which generated one new, sustainable job.
    • The project also improved the availability of local healthcare services, and contributed to an improved quality of life for its local population.
    • Further benefits included an improved environmental impact by having reduced the need to travel to other municipalities to access similar services.
    The "Podoexplora" Podiatry Centre Logo

    Ignacio Ortiz Picazo


    Total budget: 19 719 (EUR)

    EAFRD: 6 865 (EUR)

    National/Regional: 1 995 (EUR)

    Private/own: 10 859 (EUR)


    The “Podoexplora” Podiatry Centre opened its doors in January 2023, in Elche de la Sierra (Castilla la Mancha, Spain). The main objective was to offer a health service that did not exist before in the municipality of Albacete and its surrounding rural area, the Sierra del Segura. The idea for opening a clinic was to offer its clients podiatric services for treating any type of pathology or ailment related to the feet, such as the correction of foot deformities, the performance of biomechanical studies and the prescription of personalised orthopaedic insoles, or the treatment and care of calluses, ingrown nails, etc.

    The project was promoted by a young man, who, after finishing a degree in podiatry and specialising in clinical and sports podiatry, decided to pursue his professional career by offering a new service in the rural area where he lived, allowing him to work in the activity for which he was trained and qualified.

    The opportunity to launch his new business was created through the possibility of applying for financial support via the local LEADER programme. This enabled the beneficiary to take the first steps and start his business in 2023.


    The main objectives of the project were to address an identified lack in health care provision and to expand the portfolio of health-related services in the rural area of Sierra del Segura, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and well-being of the people who live there. The aim was also to create a quality job, based on an economic activity that directly related to the beneficiary's professional training.

    The project further had the ambition to create a podiatry centre that was equipped with modern machinery, up-to-date medical instruments, and professional equipment, able to offer patients a safe and high-quality provision of health care. The project was expected to contribute to improving the local economy through the creation of wider benefits in the community, and allow the beneficiary to continue to live permanently and earn his livelihood in the rural area.


    The EAFRD-supported activities focused on setting up the health centre’s facilities, and acquiring the equipment, furniture and clinical material necessary to carry out the activity. Each of the actions carried out is specified below:

    • Adapting and conditioning the premises to be fit for purpose. This included basic masonry work, reconditioning of the electrics, plumbing work, and painting the space.
    • Designing an entrance so that the premises could be accessed by wheelchair, and installing a bathroom adapted for people with reduced mobility.
    • Acquiring the latest generation of machinery, equipment, and material to offer clients a high quality, professional and safe service. This included items such as a stretcher, podiatry chair, podiatry lamp and podoscope, among others.
    • Purchasing complementary furniture to organise the consultation space and the waiting room by creating a comfortable and safe environment. Items included tables, chairs, cabinets with drawers and sink, and a reception counter.
    • Procuring office equipment consisting of a computer and a printer to carry out the administrative management of the service, such as for the preparation of clinical reports, databases, communication with clients, and billing processes.

    Main results

    • The provision of a new health service in the Sierra del Segura area to address the podiatry problems of people residing in the territory, allowing closer care without travelling to other municipalities that are further away.
    • The creation of a sustainable economic activity that contributes positively to the local economy. After a year, the results were satisfactory for the beneficiary: the clinic served on average 40 patients a month. This figure doubled during the summer period, consolidating the viability of the business.
    • A stable job was created that allowed the beneficiary to remain in the municipality. This contributed to reducing the number of young people needing to leave the rural area of the Sierra del Segura in search of jobs (the beneficiary would consider the possibility of hiring more people in future should the demand for his services increase).

    Key lessons

    • Initiatives of this nature are important when it comes to offering a more comprehensive range of health-related services in rural areas, since they relieve their inhabitants of the need to travel to urban centres to access them.
    • EAFRD financial support provides a fundamental boost when it comes to stimulating economic activities in rural areas. When applying for funding, the beneficiary experienced the preparation of the budgets and their breakdown into each of the proposed project activities as one of the most complex and time-consuming tasks. Having been able to access the advice and assistance from the managing entity, in this case the Sierra del Segura Local Action Group, was essential when carrying out these procedures.
    The process of applying for aid was easy and simple, I don’t have any special incident to highlight. The support offered me by the Sierra del Segura LAG was important, they offered me their contact information and an email address to ask any questions and for anything I needed. Ignacio Ortiz Picazo

    Contact Information