Good Practice - Project

‘Kocour’ brewery – Setting up accommodation facilities and a kitchen

Support from the Czech RDP helped a successful brewery established in an abandoned pottery factory, to start expanding the range of services it offered to visitors.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022


    ‘Kocour Brewery’ is a small local business operating in a former ceramics factory that began out of the interest of a small group of young enthusiasts to brew their own beer.

    The growing numbers of visitors encouraged the owners to seek RDP funding to invest in the construction of two bedrooms and a new kitchen. This aimed to add additional revenuestreams  and  help  to  keep  visitors in the area for longer. This sought to increase the profitability of the brewery business as well as providing an important boost to the local economy.



    The project created two double bedrooms with associated accessories that enabled the brewery to host overnight paying guests.

    It also built a kitchen and refurbished the restaurant that allowed the brewery to expand its catering services and gain additional income.

    By offering more services and keeping visitors for longer, the brewery makes a valuable contribution to the local economy.

    The project also improved the visual appearance of the area by renovating the brownfield site.

    The initial investment increased the confidence of the business which has since invested in further infrastructure improvements and additional activities.



    Pivovar Kocour Varnsdorf s.r.o.


    Total budget 69 931 (EUR)
    EAFRD 23 310 (EUR)
    National/regional 5 828 (EUR)
    Private 40 793 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 309.93 KB)