General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
- M07: Basic services & village renewal
Lapland and Koillismaa in the Arctic are very sparsely populated regions where the distances between villages and municipal centres are long and cold weather conditions create their own challenges to mobility between locations.
There are many elderly people living in the countryside villages of these areas and this is why different types of home care services will be needed in future.
This project trains new carers who do not necessarily have prior education in the field and supports them to establish family care homes. These family carers provide the elderly with home-like, human care instead of institutional care. The project cooperates closely with municipalities preparing family care operational guidelines for them and support when they launch family care in their region.
During the project, five new elderly care homes have been created and two are opening soon. In addition, five family care homes were being planned.
Three municipalities have had new family care operational guidelines and seven municipalities have updated their old guidelines.
So far, the project has organised 45 information events for different target groups, of which eight were held remotely. These events have involved a total of about 600 participants.
The project has carried out 25 real estate assessment visits, where the suitability of the properties for elderly family care has been assessed.
Family caretakers have been provided with support in planning and establishing a new family home. This is evidenced by the fact that so many new family homes have been set up and several are being planned around Lapland and Koillismaa.

Leader Pohjoisin Lappi ry
Total budget 330 000 (EUR)
EAFRD 138 600 (EUR)
National/Regional 158 400 (EUR)
Other 33 000 (EUR)
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