Good Practice - Project

A certification label for the sustainable management of hedgerows

An inter-territorial cooperation project to support the development of a system for verifying the traceability and the sustainable management of wood from hedgerows.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 France
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 France

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD


    Hedgerows are a valuable source of wood, while the demand for renewable energy, especially biomass, is on the rise. This increased demand for wood can jeopardise the sustainable management of hedgerows as there is no framework for it.

    Three cooperatives from different French regions decided to respond to this situation by developing a participatory certification system for wood produced through sustainable hedgerow management. The system is co-designed by farmers and traders and has explicit specifications for both sides. It will include a tool to geolocate the origin of every certified lot of wood and there will also be a tool that supports hedgerow management actions on the ground. In addition to the three cooperatives, the project is promoted by one association of municipalities.


    The new system ensures the sustainable management of hedgerows and enables improved economic performance.

    Farmers can have a new sustainable source of income.

    Two project manager jobs were created, while more jobs will be created to support the development of the label.

    The certification will promote the protection of hedgerows, increase biodiversity,  reduce the use of pesticides and reduce the risk of erosion, etc.


    SCIC Bocagénese / LTC BV Vallée du Léguer / SCIC Mayenne Bois Energie / SCIC Bois Bocage Energie


    Total budget 439 631 (EUR)
    EAFRD 178 459 (EUR)
    National/Regional 130 610 (EUR)
    Private 130 561 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 479.72 KB)