Event - Seminar

Supporting farmers in reducing pesticide use through effective implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Policy Seminar on IPM, organised by IPMWORKS and Christophe Clergeau MEP on 15th January 2025 (15: 30 - 17.30).

  • - CET
  • English
  • Paul-Henri Spaak building - Brussels, Belgium
  • Hybrid
IPM works seminar event poster

On 15th January 2025, the Horizon 2020 IPMWORKS project (an EU-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM strategies), in co-operation with Christophe Clergeau MEP, will be holding a European Policy Seminar in the European Parliament on “Supporting farmers to reduce pesticide use through effective implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)”. We are contacting you as we believe that this event will be highly relevant to you and your organisation, and we would like to invite you to register as a participant.

Research and empirical data across Europe demonstrate the potential of integrated pest management (IPM) and agroecological practices to reduce pesticide dependency, while increasing the overall resilience of farming systems and strengthening the financial sustainability of farms. Within the scope of the Sustainable Use of pesticides Directive (SUD), and the Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Green Deal, IPM is increasingly recognised as a key strategy to achieve sustainable agriculture and protect the environment.

After the decision by the European Commission to withdraw the SUR pesticide reduction proposal, IPM remains the key management practice in place to ensure the sustainable use of pesticides. IPM has the potential to enhance the sustainability of crop production by applying long-term control strategies that combine biological, cultural, and chemical methods, leading to a reduction in the harmful effects of agrochemicals on the environment, and lower economic costs for farmers.

This seminar will address how we can improve IPM agricultural extension and management practices to reduce pesticide use through the SUD. A Round Table on the future of IPM will be held at the end of the seminar which will assess if SUD and its present IPM practices will be sufficient to reach our pesticide reduction goals.


English language

IPMWORKS European Policy Seminar - Supporting farmers to reduce pesticides use through effective implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

(PDF – 312.91 KB)

Additional info


Paul-Henri Spaak building

European Parliament Room 5B1 Brussels Belgium


2020 IPMWORKS project & Christophe Clergeau MEP

EU Institutions