Event - Cross-visit

EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’

The EU CAP Network cross-visit between Operational Groups ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters’ took place on Wednesday 26 - Thursday 27 June 2024.

  • Organised by EU CAP Network
  • - CEST
  • English
  • Spain
  • In-person
Fresh carrots in a box


The circular bioeconomy offers many opportunities to improve the lives of farmers, foresters and rural communities across the EU. OGs are key in unlocking the innovation potential of the circular bioeconomy. By encouraging the sustainable use of biobased sidestreams from agriculture, food production, forestry and related sectors, new value chains and business models can be created which are tailored to the needs of producers and rural areas, providing diversified income, added value to their products and delivering better resource efficiency.

Purpose and main goals

The purpose of cross-visits between projects is to provide opportunities for cross-border knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning between OGs. The visits will create opportunities for informal exchange of good practices and innovative solutions between OG representatives from different Member States. They may also help foster potential future collaborations between projects/actors in the research and innovation area and/or lead to the creation of transnational OGs.

The main goals of cross-visits are to:

  • Enable peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange on the innovations that the involved projects address and on their multi-actor approach, allowing a deeper understanding of the innovation processes, providing further inspiration to participants and fostering synergies between projects;
  • Discuss common challenges, research needs from practice, inspirational ideas and potential solutions;
  • Exchange and further disseminate project findings across the EU;
  • Create opportunities for potential future collaborations and/or partnerships.

The EU CAP Network is organising two cross-visits between multiple Operational Groups (OGs) in June 2024:

  • Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters
  • Climate adaptation on the ground - innovative solutions to build farm resilience.

The cross-visit take place on Wednesday 26 – Thursday 27 June 2024 and will focus on 'Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative sources of income for farmers and foresters'.

The call for expression of interest is closed.

Check out what participants in last year’s cross-visits have to say about their experience.


English language

Agenda - EU CAP Network cross-visit ‘Use of agricultural and forestry residues for creating alternative resources of income for farmers and foresters’

(PDF – 176.57 KB)

Additional info


EU CAP Network

EU Stakeholders


Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development

EU Institutions



English language

EU CAP Network, Projects presented during the cross-visit

(PDF – 1.36 MB)


English language

EU CAP Network, Elin Johnsson, Introduction to the field visit

(PDF – 2.1 MB)

English language

EU CAP Network, Elin Johnsson, Synergies between the CAP & Horizon

(PDF – 1.87 MB)

English language

EU CAP Network, Jordi Pous Miralles, Contributing to sustainable rural development and the transition to circular bioeconomy

(PDF – 6.31 MB)