Event - Conference

CO-FRESH: Co-creating the future of agrifood value chains

This final open European multi-actor workshop aims to present the project’s outcomes to key target audiences, including opinion leaders/regulators, media, industry, SMEs, consumer organisations, scientists, etc.

  • - CET
  • English
  • European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) - Brussels, Belgium
  • Hybrid
CO-Fresh poster invitation

The event is the final conference of an EU-funded project (CO-FRESH), in which Euro Coop is participating. The partnership request is made by Euro Coop on behalf of the entire project consortium, featuring 26 partners. The date requested is 14 March.

CO-FRESH is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at advising how to make the fruit and vegetable supply chain more environmentally sustainable, socio-economically balanced and economically competitive through the intelligent integration of technological, social, organisational and institutional innovations.

The event will present key innovations and concrete conclusions based on 3.5 years of work analysing seven value chains that were studied as pilot cases. These conclusions will be presented as recommendations to (re)design and pilot innovative systemic approaches to agri-food value chains that can be scaled up at the European level. The lessons learned will also include failures – i.e. what does not work so that it is not repeated. The event will also be attended by the project officer and colleagues from the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).

As such, the event’s aim relates to EU sustainability policy and particularly the European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC) commitment and work dedicated to the objective of achieving a just and green transition. Therefore, we see a clear link to the EESC NAT Section and particularly the Permanent Group on Sustainable Food Systems, with which Euro Coop has collaborated extensively in recent years.

Keynote speakers in mind:

  • Mr Peter Schmidt, President – NAT Bureau
  • Ms Piroska Kallay, President – Permanent Group on Sustainable Food Systems

Additional info


European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

rue Belliard 99-101  Brussels 1040 Belgium


CO-FRESH project

EU Stakeholders