Interim Evaluation

Interim Evaluation

Interim evaluations assess the progress of policies after a significant period of implementation, but before their completion.

Latest news

truck working in a cereal field
14 Feb 2024

Moving forward with CSP Monitoring Committees

Our recent Thematic Group meeting on Monitoring Committees promoted the coordination of priorities between CSP Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, National Networks and Monitoring Committees.

Latest publications

Saarburg, Germany. Old town on the hills of Saar river valley.
Member State Evaluation |

2020 ongoing evaluation of Saarland RDP

This report aims to assess the implementation of the Saarland RDP 2014-2020 in relation to the year 2020.

A person taking notes on a notebook in a field
Guidelines and tools |

Guidelines - Design of evaluation plans

These guidelines provide the minimum and recommended content for Member States’ evaluation plans for the 2023-27 programming period.

Guidelines and tools |

List of complementary result indicators reported to European Commission in the AIRs submitted in 2019

These tables provide an overview of the reported values of complementary result indicators per Rural Development…