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EIP-AGRI Seminar on Knowledge systems: Final report

A key element for fostering innovation and contributing to competitiveness and sustainability are the so-called…

A key element for fostering innovation and contributing to competitiveness and sustainability are the so-called Agricultural and Knowledge Information Systems (AKIS) which exist at national / regional level in the EU-28 Member States. On 3-4 December 2015, DG Agriculture and Rural Development (in close co-operation with Teagasc, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority for Ireland) organised a two-day seminar dedicated to promoting understanding of AKIS and to highlighting practical examples of the changes taking place in approaches to knowledge exchange, learning and innovation in the agricultural, forestry and rural development sectors. A diverse group of farmers, advisers, researchers and others was invited to the seminar. This report gives a brief overview of the presentations and discussions that took place. More information is available via the links included in the text of the report.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

EIP-AGRI Seminar on Knowledge systems: Final report (English version)

(PDF – 4.99 MB)