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Final report: EU CAP Network brokerage event 'Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices'

This report summarises the outcomes of the EU CAP Network's brokerage event 'Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices'.

Final report: EU CAP Network brokerage event 'Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices'

Collaboration across sectors and among different stakeholders are key to bringing sustainable solutions from the lab to the field. The increased availability of data and its use through ICT, IoT, predictive tools and precision technologies can allow resources to be targeted in a more effective and efficient way. Therefore, following the EU CAP Network seminar ‘Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices’, that took place in Porto, Portugal on 6-7 December 2022, an additional ‘Idea and project exchange market’ was organised in the afternoon of 7 December as a brokerage event.

This brokerage event was attended by the participants of the seminar who showed a particular interest in this part of the programme. The aim of this session was to provide the seminar’s participants with a space for more one-to-one interaction and opportunities for individuals and projects to network and exchange ideas to accelerate the uptake of best innovative practices.

The brokerage event allowed people to connect to others and enlarge their networks of contacts. The event brought projects and project ideas together and supported participants in preparing for upcoming Horizon Europe calls. The evaluation provided by the participants showed some results with regards to the enhanced networking. The relevant Horizon Europe calls presented were:

  • HORIZON-CL6-2023-CLIMATE-01-6: Analysing fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations (Research and Innovation Action, 5 M €)
  • HORIZON-CL6-2023-GOVERNANCE-01-22: Developing EU advisory networks on the optimal fertiliser use (Coordination and Support Action, 4 M € in total – 1 project)
  • HORIZON-CL6-2023-CLIMATE-01-7: Enhancing the sustainable production of renewable energy at farm-level (Researc\h and Innovation Action, 5 M € in total – 1 project)
  • HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-02: Production of safe, sustainable, and efficient bio-based fertilisers to improve soil health and quality (Innovation Action, 15 M € in total – 2 projects)

The brokerage event allowed people to connect to others and enlarge their networks of contacts. The evaluation provided by the participants showed some results with regards to the enhanced networking. In one of the questions in the evaluation, participants were asked how many contacts they were planning to follow up on after the event. The replies show that all respondents were planning to have a follow up on the contacts made during the event and explore possibilities for cooperation.



English language

Final report: EU CAP Network brokerage event 'Smart circular farming to address high energy and fertiliser prices'

(PDF – 588.86 KB)