project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Valorization of livestock waste by the innovative technology based on the use of the bioconverter insect Hermetia illucens
Valorizzazione dei reflui zootecnici mediante tecnologia innovativa basata sull’utilizzo dell’insetto bioconvertitore Hermetia illucens

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This project proposal aims to transfer and demonstrate the functioning of alternative and innovative technology for the disposal and valorisation of waste derived from the livestock sector, with particular focus on animal husbandry. It is intended to provide a service in order to reach a concrete solution to the issue, concerning the disposal of nitrogen from livestock sewage in order to allow nutrients and fertilizers to play a useful role in agricultural land. This process aims to develop new production mechanisms and innovative products from waste materials addressed to the bioconversion process


La presente proposta progettuale intende trasferire e dimostare il funzionamento di una tecnologia alternativa e  innovativa per lo smaltimento e la valorizzazione dei reflui del comparto zootecnico, con particolare attenzione alla zootecnia da carne. Si intende fornire un servizio al fine di pervenire ad una soluzione concreta alla problematica, relativa allo smaltimento dell’azoto derivante dai reflui zootecnici per consentire a sostanze nutritive ed ammendanti in essi contenuti di svolgere un ruolo utile al suolo agricolo.Tale processo mira  allo sviluppo di nuovi meccanismi produttivi e di innovativi prodotti a partire da materiali di scarto indirizzati al processo di bioconversione


The project includes:
1.The creation of a completely equipped biofabric for large-scale breeding of Hermetia illucens.
2. Realization of a single travelling bioconversion unit to demonstrate the process of the disposal of the organic substrate.
3. Managment of larvicompost
5. The sale of live larvae for feeding reptiles, fur animals and other insectivorous and companion animals.
6. Promotion of field days, workshops, seminars and other sectoral thematic events and dissemination meetings on regional territory with experts in the field, in order to disseminate the technology


Il progetto prevede:
1. La realizzazione di una biofabbrica completamente equipaggiata per l’allevamento su larga scala dell’insetto Hermetia illucens.
2. La realizzazione di un'unità di bioconversione mobile ed itinerante nelle aziende del GO per dimostrare il processo di smaltimento del substrato organico.
3. Gestione del larvicompost
5. La vendita delle larve vive destinate all’alimentazione di selvaggina, rettili, animali da pelliccia e altri animali insettivori e da compagnia.
6. La promozione di campi dimostrativi, workshop, seminari ed altri eventi tematici settoriali e incontri divulgativi sul territorio regionale con esperti del settore, al fine di divulgare la tecnologia


The project intends to offer a cross service adrressed to the whole region, in order to provide a solution to the problems arising from the improper management of waste from the whole livestock sector, represented by different species (beef, pigs, sheep, goats and rabbits). Inadequate management of livestock waste can have a negative impact on the environment, primarily due to the so-called polluting action on the ground and the aquifers, due to the spillage of slurries from farms. The pollutants and eutrophic substances present in the slurry can reach the underground aquifers and rivers by land drainage. Secondly, this problem also affects the deterioration of air quality (odor, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, fine dust) and has important repercussions on the greenhouse effect (carbon dioxide emission, methane, nitrogen oxide). In addition, along with livestock waste, the waste products derived from agri-food industries will be also addressed to the bioconversion process, in order to offer a strategy for the enhancement of these matrices and to improve the physical and nutritional characteristics of livestock waste (increased degree of compactness and nutrient content).

Additional comments

Results deriving from the proposed action have the great advantage to be improved in the next future. Indeed, the dissemination of the results will be conceived as itinernat In order to transfer the proposed technology directly to the field and to confront the different territorial realities. The beneficiaries of the action will have the opportunity to know about technology, to see their potential and to receive technical assistance from industry experts in order to equip themselves in the future with a complete facility for the disposal of organic waste through the proposed technology

Additional information

The proposal is well correlated with the needs expressed in the Focus Area 5 - Sustainable use of biological resources for energy and industrial purposes. The bioindustry is identified as the core of European bio-economy for the transformation of residual biomasses, with the broad spectrum of new and / or competitive products with conventional counterparts. Improvement in production efficiency is encouraged through the development of processes that can exploit and value the organic fraction of waste.
Moreover the proposal is well correlated with the "Piano strategico per l’innovazione e la ricerca nel settore agricolo, alimentare e forestale 2014/2020 MIPAAF". In fact, the pressure arising from the growing demand for biomass can be met through the more aware use of marginal rural areas and through the improvement in the efficiency of zootechnical production by developing innovative processes that can exploit and value mainly organic fractions waste, such as livestock waste and the by-products of the agri-food sector. Based on the definition of this development trajectory, it is possible to co-exist large biorefinery, already consolidated, capable of producing a wide variety of innovative products and smaller units, such as the proposed basic bioconversion unit, at this stage realized locally, more specifically directed towards the production of individual innovative products.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP017 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Basilicata
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 260000

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The proposal aims to offer alternative, innovative technology, widely used in Europe and around the world, for the disposal and valorisation of livestock waste of different nature, with particular attention to the meat sector (cattle, pigs, sheep and goats and rabbits). Animal feedstocks will be added to by-products derived from agro-food companies, which will help to give the right texture and degree of moisture to the substrate to be bioconverted, complementing the nutritional value as well. It is proposed to raise the value of livestock sludge in high quality products, with an environmentally friendly technology, using the bioconverter insect Hermetia illucens. This project aims to create a virtuous circuit aimed at operators in the livestock sector, which aims to transform the problem of wastewater disposal into a resource to be exploited

The project includes:

1. The implementation of an operative unit for the large-scale breeding of the bioconverter insect Hermetia illucens.

2. Realization of a demonstration, mobile and itinerant bioconversion unit, cyclically available to all companies that are part of the Operating Group

3. Management of the "larvicompost" resulting from the bioconversion process

4. Sale of live larvae destined for game feeding, reptiles, fur animals and other insectivorous and companion animals.

5. In the future perspective, use of larvae for technical uses (lipid extraction and biodiesel production).

6. Promotion of workshops, field days, seminars and other sectoral thematic events and dissemination meetings on regional territory with experts in the field.

La proposta progettuale intende offrire una tecnologia alternativa, innovativa, ampiamente utilizzata in Europa e nel mondo, per lo smaltimento e la valorizzazione dei reflui zootecnici di diversa natura, con particolare attenzione al comparto carne (bovino, suino, ovicaprino e cunicolo).  Ai reflui zootecnici saranno aggiunti sottoprodotti derivanti da aziende  agroalimentari, i quali potranno contribuire a conferire la giusta consistenza e grado di umidità al substrato da bioconvertire, completandone anche il valore nutrizionale. Si propone la valorizzazione dei reflui zootecnici in prodotti derivati, di elevato pregio, con una tecnologia ecocompatibile, mediante l’utilizzo dell’insetto bioconvertitore Hermetia illucens. Tale progetto mira a creare un circuito virtuoso rivolto agli operatori del settore zootecnico, che punta a trasformare la problematica dello smaltimento dei reflui zootecnici in una risorsa da sfruttare

Il progetto prevede:

1. La realizzazione di una biofabbrica per l’allevamento su larga scala dell’insetto bioconvertitore Hermetia illucens.

2. Realizzazione di un’unità di bioconversione dimostrativa, mobile ed itinerante, ciclicamente a disposizione di tutte le aziende facenti parte del GO

3. Gestione del “larvicompost” risultante dal processo di bioconversione

4. Vendita delle larve vive destinate all’alimentazione di selvaggina, rettili, animali da pelliccia e altri animali insettivori e da compagnia.

5. In prospettiva futura, impiego delle larve per usi tecnici (estrazione lipidi e produzione di biodiesel).

6. Promozione di workshop, field days, seminari ed altri eventi tematici settoriali e incontri divulgativi sul territorio regionale con esperti del settore.

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Project coordinator

  • Aurelia SOLE

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • ALSIA - Agenzia Lucana per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione in Agricoltura

    Project partner

  • ARA

    Project partner

  • Dipartimento di Scienze

    Project partner

  • Scuola di Ingegneria

    Project partner