project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Using DLT/blockchain to developing a reliable Assurance system for Gluten Free Oats
Using DLT/blockchain to developing a reliable Assurance system for Gluten Free Oats

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Oats are actually naturally gluten free, but they can become contaminated by other cereals that contain gluten as they pass along the supply chainand this can be  For  people who suffer from Coeliac Disease or have severe gluten intolerance, gluten contamination can be critical so proof of assurence of gluten-free oats is becoming increasingly important.  A small group of gluten free oat growers in the NE of Scotland will test the use of using a digitally twinned record, secured by distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain, to provide aa traceable, assured and immutable record of the crop from the field into the rest of the supply chain. 


Oats are actually naturally gluten free, but they can become contaminated by other cereals that contain gluten as they pass along the supply chainand this can be  For  people who suffer from Coeliac Disease or have severe gluten intolerance, gluten contamination can be critical so proof of assurence of gluten-free oats is becoming increasingly important.  A small group of gluten free oat growers in the NE of Scotland will test the use of using a digitally twinned record, secured by distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain, to provide aa traceable, assured and immutable record of the crop from the field into the rest of the supply chain. 


The project will involve collecting digitalyl twinned data of field and other farm records of the gluten free oat crop that will include: previous cropping; field operations; crop inputs; harvest date and storage data. This will be stored using blockchain and placed on a Distributed Ledger (DLT) that will enable the operations, inputs, growth and handling of the oats to be tracked from field to storage. The follow-on to this will be to extend the DLT along the supply chain to include processing, manufacturing and potnetially the consumer, adding additional assurance data at each stage.  


The project will involve collecting digitalyl twinned data of field and other farm records of the gluten free oat crop that will include: previous cropping; field operations; crop inputs; harvest date and storage data. This will be stored using blockchain and placed on a Distributed Ledger (DLT) that will enable the operations, inputs, growth and handling of the oats to be tracked from field to storage. The follow-on to this will be to extend the DLT along the supply chain to include processing, manufacturing and potnetially the consumer, adding additional assurance data at each stage.  


There are a number of drivers for the project: Increasing demand for assurance, proof of production methods, traceability: With the growth of the gluten-free market the grower group believe proof of assurance will give them a competitive advantage; there is lot of discussion about the potential of DLT/Blockchain in agri-food supply chain but almost no practical use cases so this is an opportunity to test the technology on the farm and ultimately along the supply chain.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP003 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Scotland
Main geographical location
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire

€ 110137

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

Project partners

  • G E Booth & Son

    Project partner

  • Wallet.Services

    Project partner