project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Reduction of cracking in the Fuji apple variety
Reducción del "Cracking" en la variedad de manzana Fuji

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Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The general objective is to reduce losses caused by cracking in the production of the Fuji apple. The specific objectives are:
1. Develop a harvest management protocol that minimises the likelihood of the appearance of cracking without affecting the potential quality of this variety.
2. Assess the technical viability of the installation of rain nets in order to prevent the appearance of cracking.
3. Assess the effect of different nitrogen fertilisation strategies on the risk of the development of cracking.
4. Design a strategy on the use of authorised bioregulators to reduce losses caused by cracking.
5. Assess the effect of different irrigation strategies on total losses due to cracking.



El objetivo general es reducir las pérdidas provocadas por el cracking en la producción de manzana ‘Fuji’.

Los objetivos específicos son:

  1. Desarrollar un protocolo de gestión de la cosecha que minimize la probabilidad de aparición del cracking, sin mengua en  la calidad.
  2. Evaluar la viabilidad técnica de instalar mallas anti-lluvia para prevenir la aparición del cracking.
  3. Valorar el efecto de diferentes estrategias de fertilización nitrogenada sobre el riesgo de desarrollar cracking.
  4. Diseñar una estrategia de uso de bioreguladores autorizados para reducir las pérdidas derivadas del cracking.
  5. Evaluar el efecto de diferentes estrategias de riego sobre el total de pérdidas derivadas del cracking.



5 courses of action were addressed to minimise the effects of the cracking of Fuji apples:

1) Comparing different harvesting times to determine the most appropriate state of maturity. 
2) Installation of rain nets for tree protection compared to uncovered trees. 
3) Conducting tests to compare nitrogen fertilisation applied close to harvest time with that applied
in the spring. 
4) Conducting a further trial to assess the effectiveness of applying auxins (ANA), gibberellins
(GA) and calcium solutions alone or in combination and other foliar treatments with Parka
and biostimulants.
5) Comparison of two types of irrigation system on a commercial plot



Se han trabajado cinco vías de actuación para minimizar los efectos del cracking de la ‘Fuji’:

  1. Comparar distintos momentos de cosecha para determinar el estado de madurez óptimo 
  2. Instalación de mallas anti-lluvia para proteger los árboles en comparación a árboles sin cubrir.
  3. Ensayo para comparar la fertilización nitrogenada aplicada cerca de cosecha o bien en primavera. 
  4. Ensayo para evaluar la eficacia de aplicar auxinas (ANA), giberalinas y soluciones de calcio por si mismas o combinadas y, también, otros tratamientos foliares.
  5. Comparar dos tipos de sistema de riego: por goteo y por microaspersión por encima de la vegetación

También se evaluó el efecto de diversas dotaciones de agua de riego.


Thanks to its organoleptic quality, the Fuji apple is one of the varieties most sought after and accepted by consumers. Despite the agronomic difficulties associated with cultivating this variety, apple producers consider it to be a high-profit product, if minimum production levels are achieved. Many years, these minimum levels are not reached due to a high percentage of non-marketable fruit, caused by various defects that make its production virtually unviable. One of these defects is cracking. Cracking occurs slightly before the harvest and can individually or jointly affect the stalk area, the calyx or the flesh of the apple. In just a few hours, a little cracking in any of these areas of the fruit can quickly result in the cleaving of the pulp, which often leads to the complete or partial rotting of the fruit, making its sale impossible. Cracking frequently affects 10 to 20% of total production and in some years as much as 50%, with the resulting economic losses. There are numerous causes that trigger this condition, although there is one that is always present: rain or high relative humidity a few days before the fruit harvest.
In order to address this problem, various solutions are proposed in this operational group that could reduce cracking. Of particular note is the installation of rain nets, which have reduced the incidence of cracking by up to 63% in the best case.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Barcelona, Lleida

€ 137376

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator