project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

MACMHER: alternative methods to control weeds in organic vineyards
MACMHER - Métodos alternativos de control de malas hierbas en viñedo ecológico

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Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2020 Spain
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The main objective of the study was to assess the efficacy of alternative methods to control weeds, mainly those growing under the vines (where it is most difficult to take action) in organic vineyards.

Specific objectives:
□ Assess the effect of different mulches
□ Determine the possible allelopathic effects of extracts of plant material used as mulch
□ Assess the effect of different bioherbicides
□ Compare the efficacy of methods based on padding or bioherbicides with the efficacy of traditional under-vine weeders.
□ Estimate the possible inhibiting effects on the robustness and yield of the vines arising from the use of mulches and bioherbicides.
□ Financial assessment of the tested treatments.



El proyecto ha tenido como objetivo evaluar la eficacia de diferentes métodos de control de malas hierbas en viña ecológica, en especial de las que crecen bajo la líniea de la viña ,.

El trabajo se centró en la especie Conyza bonariensis.

Objetivos específicos:

  • Evaluar el efecto de diferentes acolchados sobre  las especies diana seleccionadas
  • Conocer posibles efectos alelopáticos de extractos del material vegetal utilizado como acolchado
  • Evaluar el efecto de los diferentes bioherbicidas
  • Comparar la eficacia de los métodos a base de acolchado o bioherbicidas con la de los tradicionales
  • Posibles efectos inhibidores del vigor y producción de la viña
  • Evaluación económica de los tratamientos ensayados.


1. Effects of different mulches: Pine bark mulch for commercial plots:
Five different treatments were considered: a) traditional use of the under-vine weeder; b) control, with no intervention ; c) pine-based mulch ; d) compost-based mulch (‘compost) and mulch mixture of pine bark and compost and e) mulch mixture of pine bark and compost.

2. Trial to assess the herbicidal effect of different  (bioherbicides): At the beginning of the 2018 summer, some rows of Cabernet Sauvignon vines with a high infestation of well-developed C. bonariensis were selected. 

The effectiveness of the treatments was estimated in reference to the values of the control plots (controls) using the Hendersol-Tilton formula.


1:Efectos de diferentes acolchados: acolchado de la corteza de pino:

 Se han considerado cinco tratamientos diferentes:

a) pase tradicional de intercepas;

b) testigo, ; c) mulching a base de pino ; d) mulching a base de compuesto  y e) mulching en mezcla con corteza de pino y compuesto. 

2. Ensayo para la evaluación del efecto herbicida de diferentes bioherbicidas: Se seleccionaron, a principios de verano 2018, unas filas de viña "Cabernet Sauvignon, donde había una alta infestación de C. bonariensis en un estadio de gran desarrollo.

La eficacia de los tratamientos se estimaron en referencia a los valores del plots control (testigos) a partir de la fórmula de Hendersol-Tilton.


Using tillage for the management of weeds in the rows of vines at vineyards that employ organic production techniques is an efficient process. However, the removal of the plant life that grows under the rows of vines is a complicated task due to the risk of damage it poses to the vines. Depending on the type of weeds involved, tillage may be not only costly, but also inefficient.

The use of specific under-vine weeders has enabled progress in weed control, particularly those with hydraulic springs. However, in some cases the hardness of the ground means that these weeding machines may have to work more intensely, which may damage the vines. At the same time, the ability to remove weeds under the vines cannot be fully guaranteed as it depends on the floristic composition, architecture and plant life structure of the species to be removed.

In recent years, certain species of hardy and quick-growing weeds, such as Conyza bonariensis  have been identified at fruit orchards and vineyards. These species  pose the biggest threat to various strategic production sectors.

One of the possible alternatives to the use of under-vine weeders is the use of mulch, particularly organic mulch. In general, organic mulch inhibits the growth of weeds thanks to both its physical effects  and chemical effects.

Moreover, the effect of mulch not only reduces the population of weeds in vines, but also improves a number of soil quality indicators.

This study also considers weed control using bioherbicides. The implementation of this alternative, however, is hindered by a lack of the necessary experimental knowledge and technological advances. Using alternatives to traditional mechanical methods at vineyards to control weeds may lead to a number of positive outcomes.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 157200

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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