project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Local circular bioeconomy: organic fertilisation on organic and conventional vines
Bioeconomía circular de proximidad: fertilización orgánica en viñedo ecológico y convencional

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a) Define the ideal parameters in the different treatments for recovering organic waste and by-products.
b) Characterise organic fertilisers suitable for conventional and organic production obtained from livestock manure and other organic waste and by-products from agro-industry.
c) On-site agronomic assessment of fertilisation with conventional and organic fertilisers vineyards.
d) Technical and economic feasibility analysis of creating a pilot technical advisory service on organic fertilisation to boost the circular bioeconomy of Catalan wine farms.
e) Technical, economic and environmental feasibility study of organic fertilisation in organic and conventional vineyards.



a) Definir los parámetros idóneos en diferentes tratamientos de valorización de residuos y subproductos orgánicos provenientes de la industria agro-ganadera.
b) Caracterización de los fertilizantes orgánicos aptos para producción convencional y ecológica.
c) Evaluación agronómica de la fertilización in situ con fertilizantes orgánicos convencionales y ecológicos en el cultivo de viña.
d) Análisis de viabilidad técnica y económica de la creación de un servicio técnico piloto de asesoramiento sobre fertilización orgánica para potenciar la bioeconomía circular.
e) Estudio de viabilidad técnica, económica y ambiental de la fertilización orgánica en viña ecológica y convencional.


1: Project and consortium coordination.
2: Assessing and monitoring bio-drying treatment of the solid fraction of pig slurry and evaporation treatment to concentrate the liquid fraction of the digestate from a biogas plant.
3: Characterising conventional and organic fertilisers.                                                                                                                                                                                                          4: On-site agronomic assessment of organic fertilisation with conventional and ecological products in vineyards.
5: Technical and economic analysis of the creation of a pilot technical advisory service on organic fertilisation to boost the circular bioeconomy.
6: Technical, economic and environmental feasibility study of the project.
7: Transfer and dissemination of the results.


1: Coordinación del proyecto y del consorcio
2: Evaluación y seguimiento del tratamiento de biosecado de la fracción sólida de purín porcino y del tratamiento de evaporación
3: Caracterización de los fertilizantes orgánicos convencionales y ecológicos.
4: Evaluación agronómica de la fertilización orgánica in situ con productos convencionales y ecológicos en cultivos de viña.
5: Análisis técnico y económico de la creación de un servicio técnico piloto de asesoramiento sobre fertilización orgánica para potenciar la bioeconomía circular.                                6: Estudio de viabilidad técnica, económica y ambiental del proyecto
7: Transferencia y difusión de resultados


The circular bioeconomy is the key to ensuring sustainable development in the agri-food sector, mitigating climate change and adapting production systems. In this regard, organic fertilisation has become an essential agricultural practice as, firstly, provides a use for renewable by-products from livestock farming and the agrifood industry, such as manure, where there is a surplus in certain areas, such as Osona. Use of such local biofertilisers also helps reduce the use of chemically synthesised fertilisers, which are non-renewable in origin, while their production produces a significant environmental footprint. Secondly, it contributes to increasing organic matter in soils, acting as a carbon sink, thus reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It also improves soil characteristics through mechanisms such as increasing water retention capacity, thus creating agricultural systems, such as vineyards, that are more resilient to climate change, which is becoming increasingly present in our daily lives. In this regard, with the aim of increasing the use of organic fertilisers in our region, a number of actions can be implemented, such as publicising the benefits of organic fertilisation to all stakeholders, treating manure to give it suitable characteristics for a high-quality organic fertiliser, promoting new business models, improving the logistics of these products in the region and advising farmers on good organic fertilisation practices.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 185871.74

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Víctor Tirado

    Project coordinator