project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Innovative defense systems ULTRAsound Animal REPeller to prevent damage to crops caused by wild ungulates (ULTRAREP)
Sistemi innovativi di difesa ULTRAsound Animal REPeller per prevenire i danni alle colture causati dagli ungulati selvatici (ULTRAREP)

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
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Introduce systematically in the Tuscan agricultural system a new ultrasonic bollard against ungulates


Introdurre, in maniera sistematica, presso il sistema agricolo Toscano un nuovo dissuasore ad ultrasuoni contro gli ungulati.


The Strategic Plan consists in the application on a local scale in 3 target areas of Tuscany (hill, flatland and mountains), characterized by significant damage to crops caused by wild ungulates, an innovative ultrasonic device that allows effective removal from crops in a way selective wild ungulates, without causing them any harm (or even to humans), eliminating or greatly reducing the disadvantages of the other methods. The project is organized in the following work phases:

1. innovation adaptation / pilot / prototype project

2. introduction of innovation in partnership companies

3. animation between the partners, coordination of the GO and the Strategic Plan

4. dissemination results


Il Piano Strategico prevede l’applicazione su scala locale in 3 aree target della Toscana (in COLLINA, PIANURA e MONTAGNA), caratterizzate da significativi danni alle coltivazioni arrecati dagli ungulati selvatici, di un dispositivo innovativo ad ultrasuoni che permetta di allontanare efficacemente dalle colture in modo selettivo gli ungulati selvatici, senza arrecare loro alcun danno (e neanche all’uomo). Il progetto è organizzato nelle seguenti fasi di lavoro:

1. adattamento innovazione/progetto pilota/prototipo

2. introduzione innovazione nelle aziende del partenariato

3. animazione tra i partner, coordinamento del GO e del Piano Strategico

4. divulgazione risultati


In 2011, only 1.7 million wildlife damages were liquidated in the Tuscany Region alone. The most striking species are wild boar (70% of damage), roe deer and deer (20% overall).
The problem concerns both the agricultural system of plains and hills, and the forest economy.
In Tuscany the greatest damage affects viticulture, cereal and oil crops, but there are also significant damages in the fruit and vegetable sector (eg horticultural areas of the Maremma and coastal or of particular value such as that of the fruit of the Mugello). Also in the forest sector there are complaints of considerable damage caused to the renewal of the woods, both economic and environmental, often altering the previous vegetative composition of the forest. The situation is alarming and affects almost all viticultural, cereal and oil crops and fruit and vegetables companies in Tuscany, especially those located in medium-hill areas (or 80% of the total): for every 100 hectares of land there are in Tuscany at least 20 wild boars, while the Regional Wildlife Plan includes 0.5-5 heads per 100 ha. To the enormous number of boars we add an almost equal number of roe deer, constantly increasing. For every farmer there are now 5 ungulates, a load almost doubled in five years.
The damages from wild ungulates can be contrasted with different systems, from individual protections to individual plants (shelters) to extended perimeter methods (fences with mesh or electric) more or less localized (olfactory bollards, etc.), which so far have however demonstrated a fairly limited effectiveness, high installation and management costs (controls, maintenance, etc.) and a not negligible environmental impact.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP010 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Toscana
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Siena, Livorno

€ 331167.1

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

Based on the results collected, it is not possible to state that the ultrasonic bollards used in the Ultrarep project are effective in protecting crops from attacks by wildlife. However, it should be noted that further developments and insights are needed to draw a definitive conclusion. Potentially, the design can be replicated throughout the territory of Tuscany where it is estimated the presence of over 400,000 ungulates. The use of ultrasonic bollards to combat the serious problem of damage to crops caused by attacks by wildlife is a very promising solution, both for low costs (especially when compared with those of other common countermeasures), and for the reduced impact environmental and landscape, but the ultrasonic bollards made available by Natech for the Ultrarep project require significant improvements and further developments. First of all, it is necessary to more accurately identify the waveform (i.e. the trend of the ultrasonic acoustic signal) that is most effective for each species of animal. Secondly, the bollard must become intelligent, i.e. able to automatically recognize the type of animal and generate the corresponding ultrasound signal, this is the challenge for the year to come.

Sulla base dei risultati raccolti non è possibile affermare che i dissuasori ad ultrasuoni utilizzati nel progetto Ultrarep siano efficaci nel proteggere le coltivazioni dagli attacchi della fauna selvatica. Tuttavia è opportuno evidenziare che per trarre una conclusione definitiva sono necessari ulteriori sviluppi e approfondimenti. Potenzialmente la progettazione è replicabile in tutto il territorio della Toscana dove si stima la presenza di oltre 400.000 ungulati. L’utilizzo dei dissuasori ad ultrasuoni per combattere il grave problema dei danni alle coltivazioni causati dagli attacchi dalla fauna selvatica è una soluzione molto promettente, sia per i costi contenuti (soprattutto se confrontati con quelli di altre comuni contromisure), sia per il ridotto impatto ambientale e paesaggistico, ma i dissuasori ad ultrasuoni messi a disposizione da Natech per il progetto Ultrarep, necessitano significativi miglioramenti e ulteriori sviluppi. In primis è necessario individuare in modo più preciso la forma d’onda (cioè l’andamento del segnale acustico ad ultrasuoni) più efficace per ogni specie di animali. In secondo luogo, il dissuasore deve diventare intelligente cioè in grado di riconoscere in modo automatico il tipo di animale e di generare il corrispondente segnale ad ultrasuoni, questa è la sfida per l’anno a venire.

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Project coordinator

  • Biagi Massimiliano

    Project coordinator

Project partners