project - Research and innovation

HyPErFarm: Hydrogen and Photovoltaic Electrification on Farm
HyPErFarm: Hydrogen and Photovoltaic Electrification on Farm

Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 Belgium
Ongoing | 2020 - 2024 Belgium
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The objective of the project is to demonstrate the effective decarbonisation of farms by agrivoltaics while maintaining the crop yield. We will design and set up agrivoltaic systems, on which we will demonstrate different use cases for the energy produced, showing the technical feasibility. HyPErFarm joins multiple types of actors with the objective to optimize viable agrivoltaic business models as well as test the marketability of the products, via inclusion of innovative PV technologies (PV H2-production, bifacial PV-panels), radically new crop production systems, citizen-consumer acceptance, public perception analysis and farmer adoption studies.


The objective of the project is to demonstrate the effective decarbonisation of farms by agrivoltaics while maintaining the crop yield. We will design and set up agrivoltaic systems, on which we will demonstrate different use cases for the energy produced, showing the technical feasibility. HyPErFarm joins multiple types of actors with the objective to optimize viable agrivoltaic business models as well as test the marketability of the products, via inclusion of innovative PV technologies (PV H2-production, bifacial PV-panels), radically new crop production systems, citizen-consumer acceptance, public perception analysis and farmer adoption studies.


The key innovation steps are:

- to develop optimised agrivoltaic systems to guarantee sustained or even enhanced crop production, by simultaneous implementation of crop protective solutions and associated modelling tools

- to implement H2 production and usage in a cost-effective manner as reliable energy source and to adjust heavy duty machinery, in order to reduce fossil-dependency and emission rates

- to deploy on farm electricity production towards electrification of farm operations by using e-robotics on the field, intelligent climate control and e-driven pyrolysis

-to demonstrate the business case and public acceptability of producing solar-based energy locally on farm


The key innovation steps are:

- to develop optimised agrivoltaic systems to guarantee sustained or even enhanced crop production, by simultaneous implementation of crop protective solutions and associated modelling tools

- to implement H2 production and usage in a cost-effective manner as reliable energy source and to adjust heavy duty machinery, in order to reduce fossil-dependency and emission rates

- to deploy on farm electricity production towards electrification of farm operations by using e-robotics on the field, intelligent climate control and e-driven pyrolysis

-to demonstrate the business case and public acceptability of producing solar-based energy locally on farm


The most common approach for a solar installation in Europe is on rooftops of industrial or private buildings. Potential alternative locations are being investigated for the installation of solar panels, which most often imply occupation of extensive areas when deployed at large scale, leading to growing concerns about displacements of other land uses.

Given the huge potential of available open space, farmers can play a central and positive role in this emerging field. Importantly, global food security requires at the same time an increase in production, leading to a conflict of demand of land for both food and energy needs. The ideal combination would be to simultaneously produce renewable energy, while at the same time preserving and protecting productive agricultural land. Both needs can be addressed by agrivoltaic systems.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location
Arr. Leuven

€ 5732216

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

Currently showing page content in native language where available

5 Practice Abstracts

Refuelling locally-produced renewable hydrogen in a tractor is a HyPErFarm goal. Hydrogen panels, developed by KUL, will produce hydrogen from sunlight and ambient humidity and be connected to a small refuelling station (compression, storage and dispensing). We defined technical requirements for the dispenser so hydrogen gas can be refuelled on-farm in a safe and cost-efficient way. Common working pressures for hydrogen refuelling are 350 and 700 bar. Refuelling at 700 bar requires cooling and thus higher investment and operational costs. 350 bar is the choice for a small scale station.

Sensors/components that should be integrated:

- A tilt switch sensor recognizes when the position of the dispenser is skewed.

- Emergency stop

- A hydrogen detector can detect concentrations 10x lower than the explosion/fire limit, before a flammable mixture occurs.

- Hydrogen flames are invisible: a flame detector measuring temperature of infrared radiation is needed.

- Driving away with the refuelling hose still attached, is the main safety accident in stations. A break-away coupling releases the hose with no risk of a hydrogen leak.

- A pressure relieve valve releases hydrogen when the pressure in the system threatens to become too high due to rise in ambient temperature or malfunction of the compressor.

Other components are pressure and temperature sensors and a controlled valve or orifice to manage the mass flow of the hydrogen. A valve is expensive (10 k€), therefore a dispenser with an orifice has been chosen in the project.

It was examined that assembling the dispenser ourselves did not lead to a cheaper one. Therefore, a commercial dispenser, with CE certification and all the required safety equipment, was selected for the HyPErFarm project.

Balancing Photovoltaic (PV) or hydrogen (H2) output with crop yields in an agrivoltaic (AV) production system is done on several levels. Starting during the design phase, an estimation of the crop’s response to dynamic shading is made based on various boundary conditions. By adjusting construction type, exposure, solar panel density and transparency degree, a first assessment of the crop yield and corresponding system efficiency is made. However, both the sites location as well as variable weather conditions can influence system performance across the years.

Growers are the leading local experts on their crops. AV setups represent a new and different environment and may result in altered cop performance when coupled to existing growing practices or cultivar selections. Accurately monitoring AV crop performance is therefore essential for system optimization after installation. Merely visually comparing crop performance can however prove unreliable.

By taking into account the following recommendations, one can accurately assess AV crop performance and adapt management practices to this novel production system:

-Only compare to a crop of similar age and on the same site.

-Select a number of small plots in both the AV plot and the standard reference area (control) under traditional cultivation.

-For each plot, monitor yield, harvest time and quality separately.

-Assess the variability between the control plots to judge natural variations in the field.

-Assess the difference in productivity between control and AV systems and see if this outweighs the variability.

-Offset this yield difference by the additional gains from PV / H2 yield.

-Adapt management strategy to compensate for the observed growth variation.

Het balanceren van fotovoltaïsche (PV) of waterstof (H2) output met gewasopbrengsten in een agrivoltaics (AV) productiesysteem gebeurt op verschillende niveaus. Reeds in de ontwerpfase wordt op basis van verschillende randvoorwaarden een inschatting gemaakt van de gewasopbrengst onder dynamische beschaduwing. Zowel de locatie van de site als variabele weersomstandigheden door de jaren heen kunnen het systeem echter beïnvloeden.

Telers zijn de locale experten op het gebied van hun gewassen. AV-opstellingen vertegenwoordigen een nieuwe en andere omgeving en kunnen afwijkende gewasprestaties met zich meebrengen. Nauwkeurige monitoring van AV-gewasprestaties is daarom essentieel voor systeemoptimalisatie na installatie. Het louter visueel vergelijken van de opbrengst is echter weinig betrouwbaar.

Door rekening te houden met de volgende aanbevelingen kan men de AV-gewasprestatie nauwkeurig inschatten en het management aanpassen aan dit nieuwe productiesysteem:

-Vergelijk alleen met een identiek gewas van vergelijkbare leeftijd en op dezelfde locatie.

-Selecteer een aantal kleine zones in zowel het AV-perceel als in het standaard referentiegebied (controle) onder traditionele teelt.

-Volg voor elk perceel afzonderlijk de opbrengst, de oogsttijd en de kwaliteit op.

-Bepaal de variabiliteit tussen de controlepercelen om de natuurlijke variaties in het veld te beoordelen.

-Bepaal het verschil in produktiviteit tussen het controle- en het AV-systeem en ga na of dit verschil groter is dan de variabiliteit.

-Compenseer dit opbrengstverschil door de extra winst van PV/H2-opbrengst in rekening te brengen.

-Maak aanpassing aan de beheersstrategie om de waargenomen groeivariatie te compenseren.

Interest in agrivoltaic systems (the combination of agriculture and photovoltaics (PV)) is growing. Many small-scale installations show the possible benefits for both the agricultural and energy sector. At this moment, the decision process for various stakeholders (farmers, policymakers, PV installers, …) remains very complex. It is difficult for each specific stakeholder to assess the risks for crop growth, the benefits of the energy yield and their mutual impact. In order to further deploy this technology, and to make new business models, there is clearly a need for a simple and easy-to-use simulation tool that makes it possible to have a first idea about the energy and crop impact. For this reason, we designed the, as far as we know, first, free, online agrivoltaic webtool that can be accessed through a publicly available web interface.

The webtool asks for a limited amount of input parameters from the geometrics and location of the agrivoltaic system as an input from the user. As output, the webtool returns six important performance indicators that provide essential information in terms of energy production, crop impact and economic viability of the investment.

We hope that the webtool can be useful for stakeholders (farmers, policy makers, investors,...) to get a first impression of the agrivoltaics installation and that it can be used as a decision-making tool for future agrivoltaics projects.

De belangstelling voor agrivoltaics systemen (de combinatie van landbouw en fotovoltaïsche energie (PV)) neemt toe. Vele kleinschalige installaties tonen de mogelijke voordelen aan voor zowel de landbouw- als de energiesector. Op dit moment is het besluitvormingsproces voor de verschillende belanghebbenden (landbouwers, beleidsmakers, PV-installateurs, ...) nog zeer complex. Het is voor elke specifieke belanghebbende moeilijk om de risico's voor de gewasgroei, de voordelen van de energieopbrengst en hun wederzijdse impact in te schatten. Om deze technologie verder in te zetten, en om nieuwe business modellen te maken, was er duidelijk nood aan een eenvoudig en gebruiksvriendelijk simulatie-instrument dat het mogelijk maakt om een eerste idee te krijgen over de energie- en gewasimpact. Daarom hebben wij de, voor zover wij weten, eerste, gratis, online agrovoltaics webtool ontworpen die toegankelijk is via een webinterface.

De webtool vraagt een beperkt aantal invoerparameters van de geometrie en locatie van het agrivoltaics systeem als invoer van de gebruiker. Als output geeft de webtool zes belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren die essentiële informatie verschaffen in termen van energieproductie, gewasimpact en economische levensvatbaarheid van de investering.

We hopen dat de webtool nuttig kan zijn voor belanghebbenden (landbouwers, beleidsmakers, investeerders,...) om een eerste indruk te krijgen van de agrivoltaïsche installatie en dat het kan gebruikt worden als beslissingsinstrument voor toekomstige agrivoltaics projecten.

The idea of agrivoltaics is still unknown by many people, and such an innovative approach is therefore in the development process.

To support a customer-oriented view in the development process of agrivoltaics, we used "personas". Personas are known from user experience design, where they represent a fictive consumer. Personas are crafted based on different information, such as interviews, workshops, or consumer behavior statistics. By crafting personas, one designs one or more fictive characters that represent typical customer characteristics of someone who would need or like to buy the product in the future.

In the case of agrivoltaics, we designed different personas that represent the most typical stakeholders and their motivations, needs, goals, and frustrations concerning agrivoltaics. These personas can support those who develop agrivoltaics to avoid failure in the product development process.

Our personas are meant to be of high practical support for those who want to understand the different stakeholders' views on agrivoltaics and those who wish to use a customer-oriented approach when designing and offering agrivoltaic installations. Last but not least, they can be a valuable input for policymakers that decide if and how agrivoltaics might become an approach to contribute to more sustainable farming.

Qualitative data can be collected through interviews or focus groups. Such data is often a lot of text: Conversations are recorded, noted down, and prepared for analysis.

Qualitative research is chosen when we do not know much about a specific topic in advance. We do not simply want to ask if somebody likes or dislikes an innovation. Instead, we want to learn and understand the reasons behind it. We chose qualitative interviews to gain rich and meaningful information, especially in the case of an innovation that is not known by many, such as agrivoltaics. A simple "yes or no," as often answered in a survey, does not tell about a person's thoughts or feelings. Therefore, we openly asked "how and why" questions: How do you perceive agrivoltaics? Why do you think dual land use can be a good [or a bad] idea?

We purposefully decided on who to interview. To better understand the perception of agrivoltaics, we talked with farmers, politicians, journalists, researchers, farmer and nature organizations, municipalities, or photovoltaic producers. Due to the pandemic, all interviews were conducted online. The online interviews were perceived as participant-friendly because of the flexibility to arrange them because participants felt more relaxed in their familiar environment, and it allowed us to interview in Belgium, Germany, and Denmark at almost no costs.

Due to this intensive approach, one can not talk to hundreds of people simply due to time and financial restrictions. We stopped after 27 interviews when no new topics arose. Therefore qualitative information is not claimed to be representative of the whole population. Instead, qualitative research offers intense information and detailed insights into how key stakeholders perceive agrivoltaics.

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