project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

An examination of the practical and financial potential for growing small scale asparagus organically at 2 locations in South Wales
An examination of the practical and financial potential for growing small scale asparagus organically at 2 locations in South Wales

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While there is a great demand for asparagus, the high establishment costs and long period before first harvest can make growing the crop unattractive to small scale growers.The aim of this project is to monitor outputs and benchmark organic asparagus growing from establishment through to first harvest on two farms in Monmouthshire at a field scale. Assessing the viability of organic asparagus will allow a thorough understanding of the practical and financial requirements of growing the crop, and would provide useful information for the wider sector.  


Er bod galw mawr am asbaragws, mae’r costau sefydlu’n uchel a’r cyfnod hir cyn y cynhaeaf cyntaf yn golygu nad yw tyfu’r cnwd yn ddewis deniadol i dyfwyr ar raddfa fechan. Nod y prosiect hwn yw monitro allbynnau a meincnodi twf asbaragws organig ar ddwy fferm yn Sir Fynwy ar raddfa cae. Bydd hyn yn arwain at ddatblygu dealltwriaeth drylwyr o’r gofynion ymarferol ac ariannol, ac yn darparu gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol ar gyfer y sector ehangach.


Year 1) Following planting in April, the emerging crop will be monitored for % emergence, fern numbers and height.
Year 2) A light pruning cut may be made, then the fern will be left to develop.
Year 3) A light crop is likely to be taken at the end of May, so yields of 3 grades can be taken, jumbo, medium and sprue. Ongoing data will continue to be gathered on weed/pest incidence, performance and costs of management of the crop to allow the financial benchmarking to be carried out. A projection of the first major harvest of the crop will be made through assessing the plants from the previous autumn to early spring. Current organic retail prices will be utilised along with standard harvesting costs.


Blwyddyn 1) Bydd yr asbaragws yn cael eu plannu ym mis Ebrill a bydd % ymddangosiad, niferoedd coesynnau rhedynog ac uchder yn cael eu monitro.
Blwyddyn 2) Efallai bydd angen tocio ychydig, ac yna byddant yn cael eu gadael i ddatblygu.
Blwyddyn 3) Mae’n debygol y bydd cynaeafu ysgafn ar ddiwedd mis Mai, er mwyn cynaeafu cnwd mewn 3 gradd sef mawr, canolig a sbriw. Bydd data yn cael ei gasglu ar achosion o chwyn/plâu, perfformiad a chostau rheoli cnwd er mwyn medru meincnodi. Bydd rhagamcan o’r cynhaeaf mawr cyntaf yn cael ei lunio drwy asesu’r planhigion o’r hydref blaenorol nes dechrau’r gwanwyn. Bydd costau organig adwerthol yn cael eu defnyddio ynghyd â’r costau cynaeafu sylfaenol.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014UK06RDRP004 United Kingdom - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Wales
Main geographical location
Monmouthshire and Newport

€ 47058

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

Asparagus has good potential in Wales as it’s a high value crop which is a good draw for farm gate sales. The crop falls into the hungry gap period from the end of April to the end of June when few other crops are available in the UK. The crop benefits from freshness and short supply chain markets that supermarkets are generally unable to compete with. While there is a great demand for asparagus, the high establishment costs and long period before first harvest can make growing the crop unattractive to small scale growers.

The aim of this project is to monitor outputs and benchmark organic asparagus growing from establishment through to first harvest on two farms in Monmouthshire at a field scale. Assessing the viability of organic asparagus will allow a thorough understanding of the practical and financial requirements of growing the crop, and would provide useful information for the wider sector.

As part of the 3-year project, different varieties of asparagus crowns will be planted on both farms.

Year 1) Following planting in April, the emerging crop will be monitored for % emergence, fern numbers and height.

Year 2) A light pruning cut may be made, then the fern will be left to develop.

Year 3) A light crop is likely to be taken at the end of May, so yields of 3 grades can be taken, jumbo, medium and sprue. Ongoing data will continue to be gathered on weed/pest incidence, performance and costs of management of the crop to allow the financial benchmarking to be carried out. A projection of the first major harvest of the crop will be made through assessing the plants from the previous autumn to early spring. Current organic retail prices will be utilised along with standard harvesting costs.

Mae gan asbaragws botensial da yng Nghymru gan ei fod yn gnwd uchel ei werth sy’n denu lefelau gwerthiant da yn uniongyrchol o’r fferm.  Mae’r cnwd yn llenwi’r bwlch rhwng diwedd mis Ebrill a diwedd mis Mehefin pan nad oes llawer o gnydau eraill ar gael yn y DU. Er bod galw mawr am asbaragws, mae’r costau sefydlu’n uchel a’r cyfnod hir cyn y cynhaeaf cyntaf yn golygu nad yw tyfu’r cnwd yn ddewis deniadol i dyfwyr ar raddfa fechan.

Nod y prosiect hwn yw monitro allbynnau a meincnodi twf asbaragws organig ar ddwy fferm yn Sir Fynwy ar raddfa cae. Bydd hyn yn arwain at ddatblygu dealltwriaeth drylwyr o’r gofynion ymarferol ac ariannol.

Bydd gwahanol fathau o asbaragws yn cael eu plannu ar y ddwy fferm fel rhan o’r prosiect dros dair blynedd.

• Eleni, bydd yr asbaragws yn cael eu plannu ym mis Ebrill a bydd % ymddangosiad, niferoedd coesynnau rhedynog ac uchder yn cael eu monitro.

• Yn yr ail flwyddyn, gan ddibynnu ar niferoedd coesynnau rhedynog yn y flwyddyn gyntaf, efallai bydd angen tocio ychydig, ac yna byddant yn cael eu gadael i ddatblygu. Os nad yw’r coesynnau rhedynog yn ddigon cryf bydd y cnwd yn cael ei adael i ddatblygu a bydd uchder, ansawdd a nifer y coesynnau rhedynog yn cael eu hasesu.

• Yn y drydedd flwyddyn mae’n debygol y bydd cynaeafu ysgafn ar ddiwedd mis Mai, er mwyn cynaeafu cnwd mewn 3 gradd sef mawr, canolig a sbriw. Bydd data yn cael ei gasglu ar achosion o chwyn/plâu, perfformiad a chostau rheoli cnwd er mwyn medru meincnodi.

Yn y flwyddyn derfynol, mae’r cnwd yn debygol o gael ei gynaeafu ar ddiwedd mis Mehefin. Bydd rhagamcano’r cynhaeaf mawr cyntaf yn cael ei lunio drwy asesu’r planhigion o’r hydref blaenorol nes dechrau’r gwanwyn. Bydd costau organig adwerthol yn cael eu defnyddio ynghyd â’r costau cynaeafu sylfaenol.

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Project coordinator

  • Will John

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Paul's organic Vegetables

    Project partner

  • Ruth Tudor

    Project partner

  • Ryan Whittal

    Project partner