project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Digitization, traceability, added value and sustainability in chicken production with blockchain technology
Digitalisering, spårbarhet, mervärden och hållbarhet i kycklingproduktion med blockchainteknik

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Completed | 2021 - 2024 Sweden
Completed | 2021 - 2024 Sweden
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The aim is to develop a system that will produce premuim chicken. The system will be able to calculate the products climate footprint och deliver total traceability for the consumer. This system will be used by Bjärefågel but also other Swedish chicken producers. The system will deliver "Total traceability", digitize today analogous processes on the farm and in processing, simplify administration and government certification control, increase the opportunities for production planning and production control. 


Målet är att skapa ett system som ska producera premiumkyckling. Systemet ska kunna beräkna produktens klimatavtryck och leverera total spårbarhet för konsumenter. Detta system kommer användas av Bjärefågel men också andra svenska kycklingproducenter.


The different stages of the production will be documented och shared with the different producers during the production. Every actor chooses what to share so no business secrets will be revealed for a competitor. The data will then be shared with the consumers by QR-codes. There will be research done on the whole process to see if it is possible to create an individual climate footprint for each product.


De olika stegen i produktionen ska dokumenteras och delas med de olika producenterna under productionens gång. Varje aktör väljer vad som ska delas så inga affärshemligheter delas med en konkurrent. Datan ska sedan kunna delas med konsumenter genom QR-koder. Det forskas på processen för att se om det går att ta fram ett unikt värde för varje produkts klimatavtryck. 


Idag efterfrågas det total spårbarhet av många konsumenter men det är inget som finns på marknaden idag. Det samlas in data av olika producenter men den delas inte med varandra eller försvinner på vägen. Detta gör att det inte finns ett helhetsperspektiv på produktionen idag, något som det här projektet vill ändra på. 

Additional comments

The system generates increased food safety, increased reliability and credibility, increased incentives to increase farm work with sustainability issues and welfare and the opportunity for "Storytelling" to end consumers. The blockchain provides new opportunities to convey data in a secure way with confidentiality in the areas that are needed, between all actors in the chain. The blockchain also provides the high reliability of the data needed to ensure its relevance in government and certification control, an area that the system also handles. The support is sought to be able to carry out the work of screening the farmers' and Bjärefågel's production processes and all the regulations and needs that control and influence production and produce a basis for the development of a system that includes all these factors,for the development of the software solution for the system, testing and implementation of the system at Bjärefågel and the farmers, as well as the research-related work and the calculation model around a product-unique climate index in real time. A landing page for the end consumer where you end up when you scan the chicken product's QR code, with hard and soft data, where the product's history is conveyed in a relevant and appealing way, will also be produced within the framework of the project. At the end of the project, the system will be ready for commercial launch, first and foremost with Bjärefågel and their producers, but also with other Swedish chicken producers who have an interest in communicating their added value and raising the status of their sustainability and traceability work, and increasing their opportunity to production planning and control over production processes through digitization.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014SE06RDNP001 Sweden - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Skåne län

€ 561332

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator

  • Cecilia Ryegård

    Project coordinator

Project partners