project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Creation of a healthy fruit snack (FRESNACK)
Creación de un snack saludable de fruta (FRESNACK)

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Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
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Consumers are increasingly demanding safe, tasty, naturally flavoured, high-quality food that resemble fresh products. In order to meet these demands without compromising food safety, novel and emerging technologies can be applied to the development of fruit-based processed products. Of these technologies, microwave vacuum drying stands out. The key objective of food drying is to extract water and solids up to a level where microbial contamination can be avoided. In conventional drying, products are dried at a high temperature over a long period of time.
Fruits and vegetables have a critical point of dry mass content. If the moisture content is reduced to this point during conventional drying, quality parameters remain unchanged. Thus, drying by combining hot air and a vacuum microwave is an efficient process from an energetic and economic point of view, as well as providing a product of higher quality than the popular fried snack.
In this context, the present pilot project aims to develop a minimally processed, fruit-based product that is convenient and safe, maintains sensory properties and nutritional quality, and has a sufficient shelf life to permit commercialisation (distribution). The development of a healthy snack made of fruit that has similar sensory properties and nutritional quality to those of the fresh fruit and highly convenient to use, may help to increase consumer confidence, satisfaction and, therefore, product acceptability. This would contribute to an increased level of consumer health and wellbeing, as well as introducing a new product onto the market that opens the door to an alternative to fresh fruit marketing and is in line with the current trend towards clean labelling.


The main objective is to develop new products through the application of a new technological process that combines hot air drying (conventional) and microwave vacuum drying. These new products (healthy snacks) will be made from fruits (apples, pears and peaches) that have been thinly sliced and dried, with a shelf life of 4–6 months.
In order to achieve the stated objective, the pilot project will be carried out between March 2017 and September 2019, with a duration of 30 months from the start date of the project.


El objetivo principal es desarrollar nuevos productos utilizando fruta (manzana, pera y melocotón) cortada en láminas y secada (snack saludable), con una vida útil de 4-6 meses, mediante la aplicación de un proceso tecnológico nuevo que combina el secado con aire caliente (convencional) y la aplicación de la tecnología de microondas al vacío.
La ejecución del proyecto piloto para alcanzar el objetivo planteado se llevará a cabo entre marzo de 2017 y septiembre de 2019, es decir, en 30 meses desde la fecha de inicio del proyecto.


1. Design of a mixed drying process, combining conventional drying and microwave vacuum drying for apples, pears and peaches
- Design of a mixed drying process for apples
- Design of a mixed drying process for pears
- Design of a mixed drying process for yellow peaches
- Drying treatment impact study
- Shelf life and food safety study
- Data analysis and reporting
2. Sessions/seminars for the dissemination of findings to companies in the sector and staff involved in the agri-food network


1. Diseño de un proceso de secado mixto, combinación de secado convencional y aplicación de microondas al vacio para manzana, pera y melocotón
- Diseño de un proceso de secado mixto para manzana
- Diseño de un proceso de secado mixto para pera
- Diseño de un proceso de secado mixto para melocotón amarillo
- Estudio del efecto del tratamiento de secado
- Estudio de vida útil y seguridad alimentaria
- Análisis de resultados y redacción informes
2. Sesiones / seminarios de diseminación para empresas del sector y personal implicado en la cadena agroalimentaria

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

EUR 198 000.00

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

The first motivating factor behind GO FRESNACK is sectoral and the second relates to innovation.

The approach of the GO FRESNACK project is based on the experience gained from previous activities involving sweet fruit. Therefore, GO FRESNACK has set out to overcome the barriers expressed by consumers and to produce a product of high organoleptic quality.

The main objective has been to develop new products using sweet fruit (apple, pear and peach) sliced and dried (healthy snack) and with a shelf life of 4-6 months by applying a new technological process that combines hot air drying (conventional) and microwave technology.

The project has consisted of two activities:

  • Design of a mixed drying process combining conventional drying and the application of microwaves.
  • Information sessions/seminars for companies in the sector and different actors involved in the agri-food chain.

The main outcome is the development of a crunchy, healthy apple, pear and peach snack of high organoleptic quality with a shelf life of between 210 and 310 days. A treatment has been developed for the production of the apple, pear and peach snack with the necessary characteristics to be considered as a high-quality dried product, using a process that combines convective drying with microwaves (vacuum microwaves in the case of pear and peach).

As far as practical recommendations are concerned, it must be stressed that it is necessary to have a good characterisation of the matrix, i.e. of the raw material, since the result depends to a large extent on the characteristics of this material.

La primera motivación del GO FRESNACK ha sido de tipo sectorial y la segunda se refiere a la innovación.

El planteamiento de la actividad del GO FRESNACK ha partido de la experiencia adquirida en actividades previas llevadas a cabo con fruta dulce. Por tanto, el GO FRESNACK se ha planteado para superar las barreras expresadas por los consumidores y elaborar un producto de elevada calidad sensorial.

El objetivo principal ha sido desarrollar nuevos productos utilizando fruta dulce (manzana, pera y melocotón) cortada en láminas y secada (snack saludable) y con una vida útil de 4-6 meses mediante la aplicación de un nuevo proceso tecnológico que combina el secado con aire caliente (convencional) y la aplicación de la tecnología de microondas.

El proyecto ha constado de dos actividades:

  • Diseño de un proceso de secado mixto con la combinación del secado convencional y la aplicación de microondas.
  • Sesiones o seminarios de diseminación para empresas del sector y diferentes actores implicados en la cadena agroalimentaria.

La conclusión principal es que se ha desarrollado un snack saludable de manzana, pera y melocotón de elevada calidad sensorial, crujiente, que tiene una vida útil que oscila entre 210 y 310 días. Se ha desarrollado un tratamiento para la elaboración del snack de manzana, pera y melocotón que presenta los atributos necesarios para ser considerado como un producto deshidratado de alta calidad, mediante un proceso que combina el secado convectivo con las microondas (en el caso de la pera y el melocotón, microondas al vacío).

En cuanto a las recomendaciones prácticas, debe remarcarse que hay que disponer de una buena caracterización de la matriz, es decir, de la materia prima, ya que el resultado depende en gran medida de las características de esta.

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