project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

A closed-loop bioactive material economy model
Uždaro ciklo bioaktyvių medžiagų ūkio modelis

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Ongoing | 2023 - 2025 Lithuania
Ongoing | 2023 - 2025 Lithuania
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To create a model of sea buckthorn harvest processing into sea buckthorn bioconcentrates for human and earth closed cycle bioactive substances in the farm, avoiding the loss of biologically valuable substances


Sukurti šaltalankių derliaus perdirbimo į šaltalankių biokoncentratus žmogui ir žemei uždaro ciklo bioaktyvių medžiagų ūkyje modelį, išvengiant biologiškai vertingų medžiagų praradimo. 


To simulate sea buckthorn secondary raw materials processing technologies, to create an integrated theoretical model of a closed cycle, to demonstrate the developed sea buckthorn secondary raw materials processing technologies into bioconcentrates, to integrate model technologies into the farm environment, to create recommendations for small businesses, to publicize and disseminate project results.


Sumodeliuoti šaltalankių antrinių žaliavų perdirbimo technologijas, sukurti integralųjį teorinį uždaro ciklo modelį, pademonstruoti sukurtų šaltalankių antrinių žaliavų perdirbimo į biokoncentratus technologijas, integruoti modelines technologijas į ūkio aplinką,  sukurti rekomendacijas smulkiajam verslui, viešinti ir vykdyti sklaidą apie projekto rezultatus. 


The actions of the project will contribute to the target areas indicated in the Lithuanian rural development program: Promotion of innovations in rural areas, strengthening of agriculture, food production and scientific research relations, improvement of economic performance of farms, increase of competitiveness of primary production producers.

Additional comments

During the project, a unique model of closed-loop bioactive substances in the farm will be created, which enables everything collected during harvesting (from the berry to the twig and their secondary raw materials) to be used for the production of high added value products. In this way, the small farm-business will absorb sustainable technologies, such as solid-phase fermentation, aqueous, alcoholic extraction, bioconcentration, technologies that, through the created value-added products, enable the return of biologically valuable substances to favor human, animal and earth health. The created, experimentally and practically tested model of closed cycle bioactive substances in the farm will be validated by the developed energy life cycle methodology, and product safety will be ensured by the risk management (HACCP) methodology

Additional information

Additional information on the project as required by the specific guidance at national / regional level (e.g. for detailed monitoring purposes)Promoting knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas during the implementation of the project, innovations will be demonstrated at test sites, publicity events will be organized, innovative farm technologies will be promoted in all regions, food supply chain organization will be promoted, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, restore, preserve and improve ecosystems related to agriculture and forestry, promote efficient use of resources.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014LT06RDNP001 Lithuania - Rural Development Programme (National)
Main geographical location
Kauno apskritis

€ 196309

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

Sukurtas inovatyvus uždaro ciklo biologiškai vertingų medžiagų ūkyje modelis,  taikomas šaltalankių antrinių žaliavų perdirbimui. Modelis įgalina pagaminti farmacinio profilio, maistinės ir funkcionaliosios paskirties maisto pramonės ingredientus ir produktus. Uždaro ciklo modelio biokoncentravimo ir konservavimo gamybos būdai užtikrins ilgesnę vartojamąją sukurtų šaltalankio biokoncentratų trukmę. Šių produktų sauga ir būvis (koncentratas) yra itin patrauklus tiek trumpųjų, tiek ilgųjų maisto tiekimo grandinių suinteresuotoms šalims a) prekybiniuose  farmacijos, maisto, pašarų, žemės priežiūros verslų santykiuose: verslas-verslas, verslas-visuomenė,  taip pat b) nuosavuose gamybiniuose procesuose, kuriant produktus su šiais biologiškai vertingais produktais iš šaltalankių antrinių žaliavų.

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Project coordinator

  • Kaunas University of technology

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Daiva Kvedaraitė

    Project partner

  • Ina Kalėdienė

    Project partner