project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

5-PROTEG: pre-cooked foods based on meat protein for senior citizens
5-PROTEG: alimentos de 5a gama con base de proteína cárnica para gente mayor

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Spain
Currently showing page content in native language where available


The objectives are:

- Identify and select local ingredients appropriate to the specific requirements of senior citizens that are part of the recipe for the pre-cooked food dish. 

- Select and analyse the valorisation of meat off-cuts arising from processing in the handling primarily of pork, but also of beef and lamb, as a source of protein. 

- Optimise and adapt the process involved in producing pre-cooked food dishes in order to meet the nutritional requirements of senior citizens. 

- Provide a response for people who live alone or with their partner, and for residential homes with their own kitchen or those with the capacity to include pre-cooked food products in the diet that they provide for their users. 


Los objectivos son:

- Seleccionar ingredientes de proximidad adecuados a los requerimientos de las personas mayores que formen parte de la receta del plato de quinta gama.

- Seleccionar y analizar la valorización de recortes de carne que se originan durante el procesado de la manipulación  de la carne de cerdo, pero también de ternera y de cordero como fuente de proteína.

- Adecuar el proceso de elaboración de platos de quinta gama para cumplir con los requerimientos nutricionales de las de personas mayores.

- Dar respuesta tanto a personas que viven solas o en pareja, como centros gerontológicos con cocina propia o que puedan incluir productos de quinta gama dentro de la dieta que ofrecen a sus usuarios.


1. Definition of the nutritional requirements of senior citizens

2. Description of the off-cuts to be valorised

3. Design of pre-cooked food dishes

4. Development of pre-cooked food dishes

5. Analysis of results, reports and dissemination


1. Definición de los requerimientos nutricionales de los ancianos

2. Caracterización de los recortes a revalorizar

3. Diseño de recetas de platos de quinta gama

4. Desarrollo de platos de quinta gama

5. Análisis de resultados, informes y difusión


The main objective of the 5-PROTEG project is to develop pre-cooked food dishes that provide the nutritional requirements necessary for the segment of the elderly population in good health (seniors). 
The project is presented by TALLER DE CUINA BON GUST, SL (BONGUST, a company with experience in the precooked dishes sector) and MATADERO FRIGORIFICO DEL CARDONER, SA (MAFRICA, a company in the meat sector specialising in the slaughter, cutting and processing of meat products). 
The two companies have designed a working plan involving 5 activities to study and design the best strategy in the preparation of pre-cooked dishes to meet the nutritional needs of senior citizens, in partnership with the Eurecat technology centre and with the coordination of INNOVACC. 
At the same time, 5-PROTEG aims to investigate the possibility of valorising ingredients (meat off-cuts) to make application of a health declaration on pre-cooked food dishes possible. 

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Tarragona

€ 198233.77

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

Currently showing page content in native language where available


Project coordinator