Smart Rural 27 - Final report
The final report of the 2nd Preparatory Action on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st century, commonly called Smart Rural 27, the Executive summary and the leaflet are now available.

The final report of the 2nd Preparatory Action on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st century, commonly called Smart Rural 27, the Executive summary (EN-FR) and the leaflet (EN-FR-DE) have been published at the end of January 2025 on Smart Rural Areas in the 21st Century - European Commission.
The report is also accompanied by two reports conducted during the project: the report on Support for Smart Villages in CAP Strategic Plans and the report on Smart Villages contribution to the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.
Based on the lessons learnt during the project, the reports provide recommendations for policymakers at EU and national levels in terms of enabling factors to further develop the design of public support schemes and to improve the implementation of Smart Villages initiatives in the future.
More details about the report of Smart Rural 27 will be included in the March edition of the LEADER newsletter. Make sure you sign upOpen link in new window on time to receive it!