Sign up in advance for our upcoming LEADER e-newsletter
Sign up in advance for our new LEADER e-newsletter - to be launched in the coming weeks - sharing LEADER experiences and success stories from Local Action Groups around the Member States.
The EU’s LEADER methodology is well established for its achievements in using Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) funds to support community-led local development in rural areas. LEADER is being implemented through the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) by thousands of Local Action Groups (LAGs). In the coming weeks we will launch a new e-newsletter dedicated to sharing LEADER experiences and success stories from LAGs in the Member States.
You can already subscribe in advance to the LEADER newsletter, which is due to be published four times a year. Our new publication will bring you a quarterly round-up of the main LEADER-related activities facilitated by the EU CAP Network (ECN) and its national partners, as well as inspiring LEADER stories from the ground.

Stories will feature LAG good practice projects, the state of play of LEADER in specific Member States, transnational cooperation initiatives as well as information highlighting LEADER’s contributions to different CAP themes. For example, the first edition will feature news about innovative local development projects and capacity building approaches supporting the likes of school students, novel sea banana crops, digital tourism, forestry firms and others from Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain and elsewhere. Swedish plans for LEADER during its Presidency of the Council of the EU will also be covered in the first edition.
Each edition of the newsletter is to be available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish. You can subscribe to the newsletter in your preferred language now. It will also be possible to access other language versions through web browser automatic translations of the individual stories, which will be published as web pages rather than PDFs.