News | 16 Dec 2022

New Common Agricultural Policy: set for 1 January 2023

All 28 CAP Strategic Plans have been approved by the European Commission by mid-December 2022. This marks the start of the new Common Agricultural Policy, scheduled on 1 January 2023.

Common Agricultural Policy

On 14 December 2022, the European Commission officially published in a press release that all 28 CAP Strategy Plans (one for each EU country and two for Belgium) were approved. This marks the start of the new Common Agricultural Policy, scheduled on 1 January 2023.

€264 billions of EU funding will support European farmers in the transition towards a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector and help preserve the vitality and diversity of rural areas.

Cofinancing and complementary national financing will bring the total public budget dedicated to farmers and rural communities to €307 billion for the 2023-2027 period. Other programmes falling within the remit of the CAP but outside the CAP Strategic Plans, such as the POSEI programme for outermost regions, the EU school scheme and promotion programmes, will benefit from an additional EU funding of €6 billion.

The European Commission aims at delivering a fairer, greener and more social Common Agricultural Policy. All Strategic Plans support viable farm income and resilience of the agricultural sector as a key objective. Three out of ten of the CAP's specific objectives directly concern the environment and climate. Finally, the CAP will invest in the social and economic fabric of EU rural areas, including depopulation, access to and improvement of basic services, opportunities for employment and need for better connectivity.

Find here an overview of the 28 CAP Strategic Plans.
