News | 22 Nov 2022

Landscape features and biodiversity Thematic Group meets

October ’s first meeting of the Thematic Group on Landscape features and biodiversity considered how CAP Strategic Plans can support landscape features in order to benefit water quality, soil conservation, wildlife habitats, food security, cultural heritage, overall well-being and much more.

CAP Strategic Plan (CSP) funds supporting landscape features can benefit water quality, soil conservation, wildlife habitats, food security, cultural heritage, overall well-being and  much more. This was one of the conclusions from the first meeting of the Thematic Group on Landscape features and biodiversity, which met in October.

Thematic Group members combined to come up with Europe’s top expertise on this topic through exchanges and presentations featuring EU countries’ knowhow and experiences. Lessons learned from the previous programming period were analysed for their value in aiding CSP implementation during the new CAP period. Enabling factors involved in good practice approaches to managing landscape features was another agenda item covered by the event.

Landscape features and biodiversity Thematic Group meets

Current considerations included the possibilities provided by proposals for a Nature Restoration Regulation and more sharing of Member State perspectives on policy implementation in practice was seen as being beneficial for landscapes features and biodiversity. Likewise, aligning CSP interventions such as eco-schemes under Pillar 1 and agri-environment-climate measures under Pillar 2 with the evolving legal frameworks affecting landscapes should help improve the targeting and impact of funding benefiting landscape features.

See the event webpage of our Thematic Group’s  first meeting for further information about this multi-faceted topic and please feel free to share the presentations with your colleagues.