News | 02 Nov 2022

Boosting innovation in organic fruit production

BIOFRUITNET Horizon 2020 project has been collecting, assessing, and sharing best practice in pest and disease management in pome, stone and citrus fruit production.

Biofruit field day 2

BIOFRUITNET is a Horizon 2020 project focusing on organic pome, stone and citrus fruits and it aims to strengthen the competitiveness of European organic fruit production. Its first main task is to collect and synthesise existing practical and scientific knowledge on organic fruit-growing and share this in the form of podcasts, videos and short articles across EU countries. Secondly, they are working on strengthening established networks in organic fruit growing in the EU and establishing links between them to create strong networks of organic fruit producers and stakeholders.

"The work of the BIOFRUITNET project is helping many producers to acquire innovative knowledge in an easy way and to establish contacts with other producers with whom to exchange knowledge and experiences. The activities have a high level of participation and we are receiving very positive feedback” - Ana Hidalgo, project partner Ecovalia (Spanish professional association for organic production).

Many practice abstracts have already been produced, these are summaries of management strategies. Read, for example, about preventing infestations using flower strips, direct control with Neem in organic orchards or robust cultivars for different zones in Europe. 

You can also check out videos such as How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in orchards or Mobile covers for apple orchards. 

Many more practice abstracts, videos and also podcasts and e-learning courses will be published by April 2023.