News | 06 Sep 2023

3M€ Funding for projects reducing consumer food waste

Projects to be funded through the Single Market Programme (SMP).

Spoiled rotten red apples in the wooden box

In collaboration with the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), DG SANTE has launched a new call for proposals under the Single Market Programme (SMP) – Food strand: ‘Grants for stakeholders to improve measurement of food waste and help implement food waste prevention in their operations and organisations’.

The aim of the call is to support stakeholders in taking actions to address consumer food waste (both in- and out-of-home), covering types of actions such as behavioral change interventions, education and training, the elaboration and implementation of food waste prevention guidelines, food waste monitoring programmes, awareness raising campaigns and communication materials, and development of new business models. This call targets mainly multi-stakeholder collaborations or partnerships across the food supply chain including key actors such as farmers, manufacturers, retailers, food services as well as researchers, NGOs and public entities (e.g. local, regional or national authorities, educational establishments etc.).

Proposals should include the 4 steps below:

  • carrying out an initial food waste diagnosis
  • setting food waste reduction targets
  • developing and implementing actions/interventions to tackle hotspots
  • carrying out a final measurement to assess progress made

Deadline to apply: 21 September 2023 | 17:00 CEST

Budget: 3M €

Project costs will be reimbursed at the funding rate of 50%

More information on the call