German Network
Rural development means sustainably improving living conditions in rural areas. The German Network (DVS) is committed to strong villages and regions, contributes to promoting environmental and nature conservation in rural areas and supports agricultural actors.
The DVS offers the partners in the network many opportunities for cooperation and joint thematic development. The DVS supports actors in rural areas with a variety of event formats, print and online publications, participation in working groups and other networking offers.

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Jan Swoboda
Head of Unit
Stefan Kämper
Nadine Rathofer
LEADER, climate, renewables
Isabella Mahler
Moritz Kirchesch
LEADER, village development
Jens Reda
LEADER, economic and social developement
Jan Freese
AES, ecoschemes, nature conservation
Markus Hinskes
Agriculture, animal welfare
Leonie Göbel
Camilla Bentkamp
Nature conservation, Bioeconomy
Anja Rath
Andrea Birrenbach
Dirk Thieves
Arno Blaskowski
Felix Kupfernagel
Iris Bahr
Social media
Sophia Drechsler
Social media
The mission of the German network unit is to facilitate contacts and exchanges between relevant players and institutions and to provide targeted information and knowledge to rural actors and stakeholders.
The objectives of the network are to:
- create transparency in the field of rural development through analysis of the Rural Development Programmes;
- collect, prepare and disseminate knowledge relating to the design and implementation of measures and projects for rural development;
- provide access to information about new and good practices in rural development for a wide range of actors;
- set up and coordinate event and working groups with the support of experts to facilitate exchange of knowhow;
- initiate and foster cooperation between regions and rural development actors.
Who can join?
The whole network is built up by administrative bodies at Länder and federal level, national associations in the fields of agriculture, ecology, social affairs, women and youth in rural areas, research institutions, culture, but also village and district associations, diverse NGOs. But everyone is welcome to join - private actors, municipalities, NGOs, Local Action Groups (LAGs), Operational Groups (OGs) and innovation brokers are automatically included.
How to get involved?
The formal core of the network is the steering committee of the NN. It consists of about 50 members. However, the network is wider and engages other stakeholders. Cooperation takes place when it comes to events, in working groups, various committees and with authors for our journal or online media. The network is under constant development and is continually growing. We seek contact ourselves when it comes to themed activities. This is usually the case.
Additional Information
Thematic focus of NN
- Biodiversity
- Renewable Energies
- Mobility
- Climate and Climate Change