Rural Inspiration Awards: nominees

81 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

HLS-Robo: Robotics and young experts for the needs of rural businesses

Robotics to improve rural SMEs’ competitiveness.

Good Practice - Project

Enhancing the digital creativity of young people

Engaging young people through digital media and heritage.

Good Practice - Project

Broadband 4 Our Community

Building a community-owned and future-proofed digital infrastructure.

Good Practice - Project

Living Museums

SMART technology to keep rural heritage alive.

Good Practice - Project

Super Senior - Luxembourg

This project involves inhabitants in the region actively contributing to better social cohesion. It connects different generations in ‘caring for the community’ and is the only intergenerational school support service in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.  

Good Practice - Project

Municipal electric cars-sharing service – France

This project solved problems of mobility and access to public services in an isolated territory by providing a non-polluting vehicle at an affordable cost, while encouraging carpooling and strengthening social ties.   

Good Practice - Project

Mobile workroom for disadvantaged adolescents - Austria

The project converted a mobile container into a spectacular learning and meeting space to cooperate with companies and young people and improve job opportunities.  

Good Practice - Project

Green Care - Where people flourish - Austria

Green Care projects on family farms offer social services close to home in rural areas. They increase the quality of life for people, secure and create jobs while also helping to preserve small-scale agriculture and forestry.  

Good Practice - Project

Sustainable development in Geopark - Finland

The project aim was for the Lauhanvuori-Hämeenkangas region to reach UNESCO Global Geopark status and this was achieved in summer 2020. Through project activities regional municipalities, Metsähallitus, Natural Resources Institute Finland, companies, associations, educational institutions and individual residents have worked together to develop the region and to construct a sustainable nature tourism destination.  

Good Practice - Project

Local Village Shop - Germany

The aim of the project was to secure a supply of quality regional products in shops in small villages in the SPESSART LEADER area, and by so doing to develop shops’ regional products offer and enhance their long-term sustainability.