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Active and Healthy Ageing
Rural areas are commonly affected by depopulation and ageing populations. This project promoted healthy and active ageing in rural areas, by offering physical and social activities for the elderly.
- GAP-Implementierung

Elderly family care in the arctic north
Promoting family care services for the elderly in sparsely populated regions in Lapland and Koillismaa.
- GAP-Implementierung

Building an inter-generational GenoEifel eG cooperative in the Eifel LEADER region
Setting up an inter-generational cooperative, bringing generations together to help each other and share their knowledge and skills.
- GAP-Implementierung

Green Care - Where people flourish - Austria
Green Care projects on family farms offer social services close to home in rural areas. They increase the quality of life for people, secure and create jobs while also helping to preserve small-scale agriculture and forestry.
- GAP-Implementierung

Sierra Norte Acción on COVID-19
A local action group set up the Acción Sierra Norte platform to protect the groups most at risk from the spread of COVID-19.
- GAP-Implementierung

The Spanish Authorities response to the COVID-19 crisis
An insight into how the COVID-19 crisis has generated urgent action to adapt the CAP to this new context.
- GAP-Implementierung

Establishment of a health center in Švėkšna village
A project used Rural Development Programme (RDP) funding to ensure easy access to medical and aftercare services for rural residents.
- GAP-Implementierung

Varavoimaa Farmarille II - Extra Energy for the Farmers
The project has created entirely new operating models to improve the well-being of agricultural entrepreneurs and how they can cope with difficulties.
- GAP-Implementierung

High quality pension offering beer wellness services in Rajecke Teplice
The reconstruction of an old villa to create high quality tourist accommodation offering spa and beer wellness services.
- GAP-Implementierung

Anton Vrbnjak Farm – Diversifying into therapeutic horse riding
Expanding the range of tourist offer in a LAG area by supporting a small farm to diversify into horseback riding and therapeutic riding.
- GAP-Implementierung